you’re invited on a journey inward to change your energetic signature.

The same e-sig you are signing your life with is the one that you create your music with so let’s upgrade both!!!

embody a new frequency people feel when they hear the stories of your life.

INNER Kingdom Rescue Missions is the way that we can unify initiatives we’re all connected to, that each contribute to the formation of identities we identify with, while also being supported to consciously evolve our self-image in good company with others FULLY COMMITTED to being response-able leaders of themselves and others by example.


The name of the current game is (soul) fragment recall and the way that we reclaim more of our presence is to retrieve abandoned emotions that are ready to be reintegrated into our INNER www.rld in a more functional way this time around, given the last time we tried to shut them down instead.

This project is a multi-part process designed to support artists in the positive transformation of self-image, energetic signature and the music made as a result by artists from a supportive community made of creators who have influence and respect the responsibility that comes with it.

Artists who believe the current state of corruption is not ok and are willing to take a stand using your influence to help others see the impact of doing the INNER work necessary to discover hidden aspects of ourselves we may have overlooked before and be the vibrational change we seek in this world.

You are invited to come on a guided journey inward with other artists who are crafting more empowered lives for themselves based on the spells we are learning to see in action within the words our sentences literally spell out. And as a reward for daring to do the heavy lifting associated with moving trapped emotions, we are going to launch a third anniversary album playlist comprised of music by those artists who are willing to journey inward alongside others starting the same process of transformation on Feburary 2, 2023 @ 8:30pm EST.


February 2023 marks the re-launch of the “Weaving Stronger INNER WEBS Series” which is designed to empower artists to critically consider their role in the bigger picture and why every one of us truly do matter in the scheme of things, especially now that CANADA’s Corrupted MAID Service (Medical Assistance In Dying Service) is stealing souls with a low sense of self-Worth, Esteem, Belief and INNER Security that make up the INNER WEBS our communities are based on, while creating soul ties in the process:

WEEK1 (FEB 2 @8:30pm EST):

Painting A FULL(er) Picture of Why – The Justin(ian) Connexion, Omertà & How DOGGED The SYSTEM Has Become

WEEK2 (FEB 9 @8:30pm EST):

Frequency, Currency & Influence – Reclaiming The Right To Be Our Best Cell-f In The PRE-SENT NOW

WEEK3 (FEB 16 @8:30pm EST):

The Cross – Mental/Emotional/Spiritual/Body Health Is A Whole-I-Stick Practice If Not Stuck In Limiting BS (Belief SYSTEMS)

WEEK4 (FEB 23 @8:30pm EST):

Contribution (is a feeling), Legacy & The Industry Of Self-Image (De/con)Struct-ion: Don’t Be A Pawn In Another Man’s War

WEEK5 (Mar 2 @8:30pm EST) :

Intentionally Hack your INNER SYSTEMS To Prevent Hijackings of your consciousness or the attention that directs it

WEEK6 (Mar 9 @8:30pm EST):

The Sacred Sojourn Of The Soul, The Birds & Bees Of Our Personal Reality And An Uncommon POV Of The Path From Both Sides

WEEK7 (Mar 16 @8:30pm EST):

Consciousness & Conscience = The Pawns Of The Great Con – THE BS THAT DIVIDES & ALIGNS US

WEEK8 (Mar 23 @8:30pm EST):


WEEK9 (Mar 30 @8:30pm EST):


This program is designed for artists of any age for we all have an important part to play in the bigger picture if only we are given a chance to choose for ourselves to ‘go for it’ instead of knowing that someone will bail us out if in trouble so we dare not even put ourselves (or them) at risk in the first place for we begin fearing being SCARED altogether.

Sometimes falling flat on our face in a mud puddle humbles the egoic aspect of us that rearranged the letters of GOD to spell DOG without seeing the deeper meaning behind both as to how it relates to the great deception that we are now calling the Justin(ian) Connexion.

I will host a live replay of the Justinian Deception call from January 10, 2023 via Zoom on Sunday, January 22 from 7-9pm EST. To ensure you get the call in details make sure you’re subscribed to receive emails from me by leaving your details on the signup form on my homepage.

You will be able to catch the replay by becoming a Patreon sponsor for as little as $5.55 per month so that I can use those funds to continue digging deeper into the greatest deception of our times. It also gives me the opportunity to sensor what I share on public platforms that can be taken away from me if I break any community standards beyond what I did last year when YouTube gave me a warning they evidently won’t remove but that prohibits me from monetizing my channel or the content I’ve put on it over the years. If it doesn’t feel fun to become a Patreon at this time then please don’t feel compelled or obligated but if you can spare the equivalent to a couple cups of coffee per month to be a Patron your vote of confidence in me truly means the world to me!

This will be a transformational journey into your emotional, energetic and mental patterns to upgrade our energetic frequency so that we can write the next chapter of our life from a higher vantage point because when we realize that life is the ultimate masterpiece we’re here to piece together, by mastering peace.

The first quarter of 2023 is focused on the ID-entities we choose to wear moving forward as we transform the way we see ourselves such as those of us who contributed to the first two albums have been able to do since first collaborating on music intended to uplift and harmonize hue-manity.

enjoy the first 2 playlists of heart-felt music at ALBUM22.COM

“As we lift each other we are lifted.”

– Jared Wade

“Self-Worth, Esteem, Belief & a sense of Security are the WEBS we weave best in common unity (community)!”

– LauraJeH (Hamilton)

enjoy these interviews with several of the original album22 artists:

Laura JeH sits down with artists to get to know the people behind the music: