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I Think I’ve Come Here To Understand My Own Nature A Bit More

I took this screenshot while sending my friend a video on (TOP TIP: it’s a great free site for sending files too big for a standard email), and rediscovered just now in the midst of searching for the meaning of all that’s happening in my life right now.

It was perfect, as signs usually are when we actually stop to read them or to click on ones that appeal and have a message, as I did to find the inspiration for what follows.

Sometimes it just takes a change in perspective to feel better about where we are or what we’re doing, rather than needing to specifically change the particulars right away. Sometimes we just have to sit with our perspective and ask ourselves how that story is serving us and what we’re going to do to make it better. Sometimes we just have to take the time for some good ol’ possibility thinking (otherwise known as creativity).

Everything has a chance to get better or worse depending on which direction of the spiral we are willing to give our attention to and if we have a choice to direct that flow then why not set our sails in a positive direction?

Esther ‘Abraham’ Hicks brought the world the gift of a 22 level emotional guidance scale and over the years I have adopted this theory and turned it into “The Highrise of Emotional Awareness” which I had designed by a few artists on Fivrr with varying results based on resonance with the work it seems. I also appreciate that people want more than $10 to design such a masterpiece and yet being given the ultimatum of paying more to get the revised edition doesn’t bode well as a customer (clearly still processing through that experience…).

Letting that go and moving onto bigger and better things, both the image attached to the quote above and the emotional high rise have something in common.

It demonstrates that you cannot see the picture when you are in the frame and that’s what safety is all about. Understanding why we’re looking at life the way we are.

A feeling of safety comes from feeling familiar because of similarity, commonality, experience or association.

As creatures of comfort going through a continuous growth process, we must learn to create a sense of safety within ourselves that we can bring with us regardless of where we are. While we may not be able to control what is around us at all times (though often times we can), we can control how we feel about it based on whether we are coming from a fearfull foundation or a faithfull one.

What we must understand now is that our perception of safety is directly tied to our self-esteem and if we are using it as an unofficial ‘stock’ on the ‘market’ of our social exchange economy (AKA our relationships), to define our worth and value, or whether we are taking responsibility for the stories we tell ourselves and let others share with us.

We must be the guardians of our own inner kingdoms with the keen, overseeing eye of a parent.

Realize that all of us have 4 survival archetypes that play out in either the shadow or light side, depending on how much emotion we have purged and processed through as we’ve gone through the growth infused experience of life. Caroline Myss has a fantastic book called “Sacred Contracts” I first read while living in Worcester, England in an old hydroelectric mill that had been renovated into apartment buildings, the symbolic significance of which is rich in complexity to be shared another time.

The point is these four character archetypes are: the victim, child, prostitute and saboteur and once you see their pattern broken down, you’ll be able to see which aspect of you has been running the show and influencing your perspective until now?

We’ll dive into that more in the next message but for now I encourage you to consider how your perspective is influencing your view of life and what emotions are showing up to be cleared. Our inner child runs the show until we give her/him permission to go play while the adults take over.

That’s the journey we’re going to be going on together in the transformation of self-image and I’m glad you’re going to be joining in the fun!

Much love, Laura JeH – Namaste