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A SPECIAL Practice PILOT Program: Journey Inward In Good Company

Self-care is a practice of self-love that fills the ‘bank account’ of the soul, body, mind and heart.

To help you in reclaiming your power from all the not-now moments you may have left (some of) your power in, we’re going to journey inward together and make friends with our emotions as we go, while also meeting others willing to do the INNER work we’re all called to do yet few are willing to without a crisis to set them on their path.

The SPECIAL Practice PILOT program is designed to help participants create a whole-i-stick (holistic) self-care practice that will honour all of who you are instead of just one or two aspects of it. To ensure you’re able to get the most from the process you’ll have a chance to connect one-on-one with Laura for a 30 minute coaching consultation so the program’s content can be shaped around current participant’s aims, intentions and desired outcomes.

Key theories from Laura’s newest release FULLY COMMITTED: The Sacred Sojourn of NOW  will be featured as context because I believe they will genuinely help in calling you into greater wholeness in the present moment, which is how you can take charge of your life instead of feeling the need to control things that are ‘out of your hands’.

In this 9 week program we will cover a lot of ground, including the unchartered territory of your self-image & interior (emotional) landscape:

Week One:  Your What To Expect Prep Session – Preparing For The INNER Trek (Sunday September 18 @ 8pm EST)
  • House keeping & Harmonizing – We’ll start by outlining the experience while evaluating where we’re starting without judgement; using a coaching tool to evaluation present satisfaction levels you’ll have a solid benchmark to track with
  • Self-talk is a vital component of self-care – The power of self-acceptance through the process of transformation dug into
Week Two: The Sacred Sojourn of the Soul – Your PG Path From Both Sides (Sunday September 25 @ 8pm EST)
  • The transformation of self-image follows an archetypal journey that is framed from a soul-full (and specific) perspective
Week Three: Consciousness – The BS That Divides & Aligns Us                                (Sunday October 2 @ 8pm EST)
  • Unpacking how the conscious, subconscious, superconscious and supra-conscious are all involved in forming our self-image
  • Active Choice Point Theory will be used as a practical framework to consciously shift from REACTIVE to CREATIVE states
Week Four: Lawful Leadership – Bridging The Gaps Privately, Personally & Collectively (Sunday October 9 @ 8pm EST)
  • The hierarchy of creation, lawful notices & how to powerfully stand up for our cell-f
  • Reaching the tipping point in collective consciousness through responsible self-governance
Week Five: Emotional Resiliency – Making Friends With Fried Ends & Beyond (Sunday October 16 @ 8pm EST)
  • Using the Emotional Highrise of Awareness to distinguish between states of emotion and being present we’ll expand our perspective of lower level energies in motions without getting into the ditch with them
  • Laura will guide us through an INNER Kingdom exercise to reconnect with abandoned soul fragments while feeling safe
Week Six: Physiology – The Birds & BEES Of Our Personal REALITY                        (Sunday October 23 @ 8pm EST)
  • Body, Environment, Earth and Space are the focus of this REALITY-forming activation of the will in an intentional direction
Week Seven: Intuition – Learning Your Soul’s Language                                         (Sunday October 30 @ 8pm EST)
  • Getting clear on your vision for the short, medium and long term
  • Practical ways to connect with your intuition and notice signs, symbols and omens along your path
Week Eight: Alignment With The NOW Mo-Ment – Calling Yourself Back Present (Sunday NOVEMBER 6 @ 8pm EST)
  • Stilling the mind chatter and returning to the present moment of creative potential
Week Nine: Committing To Your Highest Self – Clarifying The Vision & Accepting The Call (Sunday November 13 @ 8pm EST)
  • Bringing it all together and grounding a cell-f image that will support you in your continued journey inward

This small group of individuals willing to do the INNER work will come together (virtually) to create a SPECIAL self-care practice that supports our organic unfoldment in good company, with fellow PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United and Untied from the identities we previously defined ourselves by unconsciously; let’s consciously write a healthier script that serves us in body, mind, spirit and heart!


Bonus 1: a signed copy of FULLY COMMITTED: The Sacred Sojourn of NOW which will be shipped to you directly once you’ve enrolled
bonus 2: a 30 min one-on-one coaching consultation to set intentions and desired outcomes for getting the most from this experience.

The investment is $155 CDN and is limited to 11 participants so reserve your spot by clicking here.

If you have any questions before committing to yourself and registering from this program, please email me at and I’ll be glad to support you in moving forward with confidence, both in yourself and the process.

With love,
Laura JeH – Namaste


Q: When will I receive the log-in details?

A: Within 24-48 hours of signing up for the program you will receive an email with the meeting details (a zoom meeting ID for the course and passcode) to the email address you use to register for the program (e.g. if you register with your Gmail address, please check your Gmail inbox for our emails). I will also be sending reminder emails the day before each session with a message we’ll dig into together.

Q: Do I Log-in By Phone, or Can I Watch On My Computer?

We’ll be using Zoom to deliver these private live sessions so you can participate through your phone or computer. Access information for each live session will be provided in the weekly emails and will use the same meeting details each meeting unless problems arise.

Q: What Are All the Live Session Dates?

A: The session dates for the whole program are as follows:

Please use a time converter for other time zones: Time Zone Converter

(SESSION 1 OF 9) — Sunday September 18 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 2 OF 9) — Sunday September 25 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 3 OF 9) — Sunday October 2 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 4 OF 9)— Sunday October 9 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 5 OF 9) — Sunday October 16 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 6 OF 9) — Sunday October 23 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 7 OF 9)— Sunday October 30 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 8 OF 9) — Sunday November 6 @ 8pm EST

(SESSION 9 OF 9) — Sunday November 13 @ 8pm EST

Q: What is included in my SPECIAL Practice Program registration?

A: Your registration includes ALL of the live sessions with Laura for 9 weeks. It also includes:

  • 1 hour x9’s worth of intentionally designed transformational support programming with interactive segments and exercises
  • Replays of all 9 sessions to download and enjoy as often as you wish
  • 30min one-on-one consultation session scheduled in first weeks of the program for customized content to be created
  • The opportunity to hear incredible Q&A dialogues and shares by fellow switched on students doing the INNER work too
  • Access to a Telegram community and Facebook community where valuable insights about the journey inward are discussed
  • Access to the power of the mastermind principle to grow in a nurturing community

Q: REPLAYS – What if I Cannot Listen to All the Sessions Live? Do I Get Recordings of the Sessions?

A: Absolutely! Whether or not you can attend some or all of the sessions live, you will have full access to the dowloadable replays for the whole series to listen and re-listen to at your convenience. Replays will be emailed directly to you within 24-48 hours of each session. 

Q: Can I join the PILOT program even if it’s already underway?

A: No, registration for this PILOT program closes after the second session to ensure those committed to the journey are able to feel safe and supported within a community of familiar faces who are encouraged to support one another through this epic journey inward. Please note, you can download each of the video or audio recordings to re-listen at your convenience.

Q: How Can I Ask a Question?

A: On the Zoom platform, you can either type your question in the live commentary box, email Laura your question at or raise your hand to ask your question or share your insights at times designed for interactive community shares and support.

Q: When will the 30 min one-on-one coaching consultation session be?

A: This private session is to be scheduled for within the first three weeks of the program to ensure the program content is customized to the participants committed to the process from the beginning. You will receive an invite to schedule your session.

Meet your guide:

Laura JeH has been a mystic without a monastery for as long as she can remember. She received an English degree before becoming a certified coach, teacher, speaker with the John Maxwell Team in 2011 which led her to live in England where she learned about organic skincare, spirituality and her pattern of placing her power outside of herself. In 2015 she returned to build a life in Canada and apply the theories she’d invested so much to gain.

She wanted to share what she’d learned through her studies before a messy awakening forced her to put them into practice and use the tools she now offers in the book that rewrote her self-image before the world got to read it.

Firsthand experience with the Mental Health system got her a diagnosis of Bi-Polar because she didn’t have supports in place to guide her through the spiritual depressions transforming her self-image led her into; now she supports others through the liminal phase of transformation between life as we knew it and life as it will be when we adjust to who our journey is shaping us into. Growth is not for the faint of heart but it’s worth the effort! 

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