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Day 37: Building Positive Momentum Despite Delays

Momentum either works for us or against us.

It’s what makes habits so powerful and change so difficult at first, when we’re trying to turn a ship around that still wants to sail in the direction it has been moving in.

John C. Maxwell describes momentum as a leader’s best friend and what I believe is called for, from us all, at this particular time in history is to realize we are leaders regardless of whether we have a following or not.

We are leaders to ourselves and can only lead ourselves or others as far as we are willing to go which is why having a coach is so helpful in the process of transformation. It’s just difficult to know what we don’t know until someone outside of our awareness triggers the realization that maybe we don’t know and need to grow more.

Yesterday I stalled my momentum with this series because I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning organizing my space and getting all my paper work ready to be sorted through and categorized. It’s a collection of insights from nearly four years worth of devoted focus on the book that rewrote me and the pile has felt overwhelming for a long time.

Earlier last year when I made some poor choices and hit (what I thought was) rockbottom, I packed a tote bin with everything I’d worked on up till then and put it away for a while. My Dad recommended it because he saw how lost I had become in the task I just didn’t seem able to complete and I was at a point where I didn’t know what to do specifically, I just knew that what I was doing wasn’t working well.

I pulled it all back out a few months later and have been perusing and moving it ever since, finding nuggets and then feeling the frustration of having a mess I just couldn’t seem to tackle. I can only imagine what a hoarder goes through!

As I organized my room and got everything in one place I felt excited to see the end of that mess in sight yet by the time I got back from an early morning shift, other priorities beckoned and the mess still stands where I left it, it’s just my commitment to getting it (and myself) organized in the coming weeks has been renewed.

I have momentums playing out, as do you, from past choices and as we enter into the final month of the year I am doing some major house cleaning of my outer and INNER environment.

Over the past many months I’ve given a lot of time, energy, effort and attention to learning about the hidden aspects of what we’re all now living through and until it’s written down cohesively it too is like the mess on my desk I have to retell the story of because I can’t just say “check out the blog/book I wrote about it.”

The danger of the information I’ve discovered, some of which I shared in Day 35 of this series, has had me feeling the need to bring people together in regular summits more than ever and tomorrow, November 26 from 4-6pm EST, is the next one so I hope you can attend!

With the changing censorship rules of social media, I’m shadow banned so people aren’t being notified when I post things so if you could let a loved one you’d like to invite know the Zoom link will be shared 20minutes before the call with those subscribed to my emails (sign up using the sign up box on this page & confirm your email!) so be sure to do so beforehand to be on the call with us live!

It feels like the Universe is pushing me to get myself organized so these calls can become the mastermind opportunity I envision them to be and so over the coming weeks you will see some big changes in the way I show up online.

We must build a new momentum for ourselves and while the collective benefits, change always begins with ourselves. So please come to the the second PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Summit with Richard E. Gordon and myself tomorrow where we will talk about what that means and how to do it.

Let’s build momentum in a positive direction together!

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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