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Day 53: One More Summit & The Truth Behind It

Whether you believe in the power of moon cycles and seasonal influences or not, I’ve been working through more of my own stuff lately and instead of judging myself for it, I decided to take a step back this week to analyze what’s working and what’s not.

Tonight I was going to be cohosting the fourth INNER Child PEACE Summit with a friend from my John Maxwell Team days that has a wealth of knowledge about leadership, communication and psychology; the Summit topic was going to be about legacy at this befitting time of year but my internal resistance just seemed to be growing stronger in the lead up to it until I realized pushing to do this right now, with everything else I’ve been trying, may just not be the best way forward right now.

I’ve given myself permission to let the foot off the gas with the final Summit of the year so that I can evaluate what’s working, what’s not working, and what to do to bridge that gap.

This morning, at 10:30am EST I’ll be cohosting another Summit with a musician friend who asked me to help him which would have made it a double Summit day and without advertising either well, I decided to surrender the one I was endeavouring to organize for tonight and just make the Mystical Music Summit this morning be enough for this day.

It would have been the fourth INNER Child PEACE Summit and the value offered in the first three holds untapped potential if you have not yet checked them out – they are all posted to YouTube. Tim Wheatley brought his A-Game to each meeting and shared his best despite my insistence these Summits be no-sale spaces. My other cohost for the PEACEFULL INNER Warrior Summit also did the same and this month would have marked the 3rd of its kind had I scheduled it but fortunately I held off for the holidays.

I’ve had the view that people are in need of soulfull tools more than the money we could earn from their pain, as we’ve been trained to do by the profits over people culture that we live in. And yet constantly putting out energy and effort without return eventually catches up with us all, or at least it did for me over the last few weeks as the same familiar faces I already knew showed and I questioned what traction we were making or what impact we were truly having with so few views of the great work produced.

As I sat on the couch feeling the need to stop pushing and start planning, I reached out to know whether the music summit was still a go or not and Jared Wade affirmed that not only was it still on but that he has indie artists from around the world coming to discuss how we can use sound technology to uplift and inspire people with positive messages and techniques compared to the toxic content of most popular modern music. He’s got a few speakers lined up and was working on the agenda to maximize our time together and it finally hit me that I needed to be approaching my own this way too.

Having invested a few hundred to be part of a three day network marketing Summit over the weekend that ended up being more a distraction than benefit, it too helped me see why the Summits I’ve been running haven’t been working as effectively as they could. And I don’t want to just make noise for the sake of potentially helping someone who doesn’t know they’re looking for it either.

A true Summit is not just about having a cohost and participants. It’s about having multiple featured experts along with the people each of them bring to the table, who then share the experience with their people which then extends the influence of us all.

As such, in the new year we’ll pick these Summits back up but this time feature more value adding contributors as we grow our community of progressive, forward thinking conscious cocreators ready to own their authorship of the life we are each creating as individuals and as a tribe.

It excites me to imagine how much more effective this plan will be than the haphazard attempts I’ve been making only because the truth is I haven’t had a specific plan nor the space to make one until now. I knew hope and tools were required and I was willing to do my best to help people gain access to both to help them during the troubling times we find ourselves in but strategy is key.

As John C. Maxwell says “fail to plan, plan to fail” and while I wouldn’t say the past Summits were failures, I’d say they were great learning opportunities and as we wrap this year up I’m getting myself organized so I can truly help those who are ready to be part of something bigger than themselves, and the inner excavation work we’re being called to do now will become more important than ever.

I am grateful and hopeful for what will grow from what has already been done and to what a more solid plan will pull together too!

Stay connected and forgive yourself for not always getting it right at first. Contrast can offer tremendous insight if looked at without judgement of ourselves. But don’t stop all together if what you’ve been trying hasn’t been working. It just means an honest analysis of the situation is required and those who need what we have to offer will appreciate how a more focused approach reaches them in a way noise alone never can.

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. As always I’m candid about where I’m at because I feel that doing so may inspire others to do the same, or at least accept that perfection is neither given, guaranteed nor necessarily the best way forward. Doing your best is what can help the most.

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