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Freedom Lover’s Canada Meeting Tonight & Last Night’s Kingdom Within EPISODE

I can’t even tell you how excited I am to finally be making the time to write this message to you with updates since the last time which has been an unspecified while during which time I have grew and progressed in ways you’ll soon be able to see.

But I have learned not to talk about that which I’m doing as I’m doing it because of how it displaces the energy and reduces my effectiveness. And so for the sake of us both, I’ll stay quiet about what I’m doing and let you know when I’ve done it.

What I can tell you I’ve already done though is pretty thrilling given Katia Palmeri has agreed to team up and cohost the Kingdom Within Podcast on Monday nights at 8pm EST.

In these Monday night podcast sessions Katia and I will be sharing stories, theories, insights and space based around weekly themes from Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way” as part of a guidebook through the week ahead. And as an added level of fun digging deeper into our gestalts together in good company with guides I believe have something of merit to say.

I’m thrilled to say that last night’s episode has just been uploaded to my YouTube channel and can be watched here. Give it a like, share and leave a comment while you’re there too please and I’ll look forward to being inspired by your comments!

As I went back over the PIWU SPECIAL Practice Playlist I found a video called FEAR Is The VIrus, Love Is The Cure. You can see it here:

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And then if you had any wonder whether I’m aware of just how crazy some people think I am, I recited one of my favourite poems that well reflect what I think about that too…

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On Valentine’s Day we are going to bring in the theme of : COMPASSION.

So for the week leading up to it you would be well served to focus on POWER and your relationship to and with it.

With the Freedom Lover Canada’s call coming up at 8:30pm EST tonight with a Strategist Lawyer I am interested to see the suggestions in comparison to what I believe to be true based on what I have come to know about the courts and LAW.  Join the fun via ZOOM.

Grateful to be in this with you for together we are definitely stronger!

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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