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S1E8: PIWU – Opening Up To Our Abilities With Denise Exler

In this episode of the PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Podcast Laura JeH interviews fellow Canadian Shamanic Healer, Coach & Light Language wielding Channel Denise Exler about her journey to the pre-sent moment and the charged times we’re presently living in, plus so much more.
Denise Exler is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Intuitive Coach, and Shamanic Channel. She believes that we are all beautiful energetic light beings who came to this world to live life to its fullest. Once we remember Who We Are and what we are capable of, then magic begins to unfold in our lives.
Denise creates a safe space where re-connection with our Spirit Helpers is supported, and it’s through this connection that we experience powerful life changing energies from many different realms of existence. Join Denise at her Shamanic Healing Circles, either in person or online, to experience an uplifting energetic shift through guided meditative journeys, light language, rattle and drum work. Currently she is offering transformational meditations and drum healing through FB Live via her White Light Healer group.
In Denise’s words, “When we pray, we tap into this beautiful loving energy that empowers us to live abundant, joyful, fulfilling and healthy lives. That is the same Source of Love and White Light that channels through my drum and my being to you.”
Denise has facilitated numerous healing circles in both Canada and the United States, assisting others to remember WHO they are. She has completed studies in several alternative modalities such as Shamanic Healing, Reiki, and Body Regeneration, and is also certified in Foot Reflexology, Raindrop Technique and Aromatherapy. As the founder of Sacred Healing Drum, Denise is dedicated to helping others connect to their divine guidance creating empowerment to heal within. She has recently opened a spiritual wellness center near Parry Sound, Canada.
For more information, go to or contact Denise at Her free weekly online meditations can be accessed at White Light Healer | Facebook.

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