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The Sacred Sojourn of the Sovereign Soul Workshop Is ONE WEEK AWAY!!!

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In one week from today, on May 27 at 10am a small group of people will join me for a deep dive into the Sacred Sojourn of the Sovereign Soul at Souls Path in Blackstock, Ontario. The details for the day can be accessed here.

We will be diving into the solo journey we’re each moving through in this one life we get to live as us, the one and only there ever has been or will be.

The Sacred Sojourn is the journey of coming home to ourselves, within our cells, and figuring out where we’ve left deposits of power in the past or got attached to a future we desire but aren’t fully connected to yet. It’s about seeing the patterns from our past and how they’re shaping and influencing the present moment we are now creating.

We’re going to look at the survival archetypes as to how they show up in our lives when an opportunity presents itself and how to help move these aspects of ourselves into their sacred side instead of remaining scared in a not-now moment where they got trapped when we fragmented our energy in the past.

We’re going to move through the FULL Formula that will help you gain clarity as to how to best support yourself in making healthy changes in your life, with support from people who are also doing the INNER work, while also getting clear on what is ours where our BS (Belief Systems) is concerned.

Active Choice Point Theory is a concept to help us move from a REACTIVE pattern into a CREATIVE one and we’ll practice using it within this intimate and safe container of care that we will create together with ceremonial components to ground your body while your spirit soars with a greater feeling of INNER security.

We’ll take some time for supported integration with guided journalling to recap what realizations come up through the integration of what is shared and dared on this special day.

Hot drinks will be provided during breaks and a chilli lunch will be enjoyed together as we build relationships that can sustain our spirits as the pain of change gets to us. And believe me when I say I’m in this with you which is why I’ll be available and present for this entire experience with you!

I’ve been moving through a lot of my own emotional scar tissue in the process of putting together this opportunity and the three monthly workshops that will follow it, and I’ll be candid and transparent about it because the more REAL we can be with ourselves and one another the more healing we can do in the process. And the great part about small groups like this one is that we can work with the energies in motion that show up in a safe space with support from others who are also encouraged to be real and vulnerable too.

Vulnerability is a form of courage and in a world more obsessed with perfection and appearances, supporting ourselves emotionally through the journey is a revolutionary commitment that can make us feel isolated and alone if only reading books and attending virtual meetings. In the flesh means our heart fields will overlap and we will be able to feel the resonance of things as they arise throughout the day.

I wrote FULLY COMMITTED in order to pass on the greatest insights I gained from some of the unexpected journeys my sojourn has taken me on and you’ll receive a signed copy of it as part of your investment.

For food preparation purposes please RSVP ASAP by e-transferring the workshop fee ($111) to let me know we can expect to share this experience with you and please ensure you share your contact information on the transfer when you do so I know how to reach you should updates be required.

It’s going to be an unforgettable day for each of us who bet on ourselves by getting ourselves in the room so I hope you’ll choose to attend with a journal you can track your journey through the day (and beyond) in!

If you have any specific questions about the event or location please email me at so I can help you bet on yourself with greater confidence as this workshop will help you do in an expanded way.

With love and respect,

Laura jeH – Namaste

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