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3/33: New Year, New Chance To Be Who We Choose To Be

Well happy New Year and welcome to 2021!!!

So far I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my day which included attending a virtual seminar by Michael Bernard Beckwith on the Sovereign Soul. It was an incredible way to start the new year and was my way of staying congruent, by growing myself instead of just wanting to be the one that comes to you live to share what I’ve come up with. Instead it’s about learning to intentionally stand on the shoulders of giants by leveraging our past efforts as we move forward with greater focus, and to also leverage the efforts of those willing to share the insights they discovered on their alternative path.

2020 was the year of perfect vision they joked, but why not make 2021 the year we took our vision back?

I recorded a live message onto Facebook earlier because it felt fun and like a good way to decide that instead of writing long daily messages I’m going to make a daily video message my way to get the full ‘Dream A New Dream Together’ process to you. It won’t usually be as long as today’s message but today’s was and I had fun.

I also shared some upcoming events it’d be great to have you be part of live:

Saturday January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 @7pm EST – Beginner’s Classes with the Shambhala Temple of Light & Michael Seegers

Sunday January 3 @2pm EST – Self Compassion Service with Laura JeH

Tuesday January 5 @7-8:30pm EST – PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Summit on Legacy with Kip Brooks & Laura JeH

Thursday January 7, 14, 21, 28 @7pm EST – Laura JeH will read “The 4 Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz in segments with discussion

Saturday January 10 @10:10am EST – INNER PEACE Summit with Laura JeH & Friends

We will plan out the rest of the month once I know my work schedule.

I’ll be posting those to YouTube but somehow got too excited and spontaneously went live to Facebook without setting up Zoom to have recorded it and easily posted it to YouTube too, but next time I’ll do better. If you have Facebook you can check out the message I recorded there and I’ll do my best to get that video uploaded to YouTube tonight too.

Excited for what this year will hold in store for us and to all the secrets I’ve been putting into place so that we can come to know our cell-Fs more intentionally and compassionately.

As things get worse before they get better this year I believe it’s important for us to be clear on whether our actions are supporting Fear or Faith because those are the core ingredients of the life we are now building, either by default or by design.

May we choose wisely, with our long term viability as a species in mind.

Many blessings,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. Yesterday I got E8 of The Michael & Laura Show uploaded which covered The Causal Body and the 7 Rays. Great stuff, check it out!!!

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