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9/33: Sovereignty Is Standing For Truth

Sovereignty is having supreme power or authority and we have forgot we are sovereign beings above all else.

We have been conditioned to give our power away to parents, teachers, babysitters, governments, bosses and whoever else seems to have a position of authority in something that is important to us, forgetting that belonging is always important to us from a survival perspective and until we develop self-respect we will trade truth for convenience, convention and fitting in (which is not the same as belonging, according to Brene Brown in the Lewis Howes interview I happened upon and let play for a while this morning).

I dare to say that we cannot afford to continue doing that any longer and are now called to unite in the name of what is right and that is taking our power back as a group of sovereign beings who choose to honour our sacred prostitute instead of the scared one that the corrupted ones would have us be.

No. We simply cannot afford to acquiesce to the commands of orders we know in our hearts aren’t right and instead decide to take a stand for humanity because if not us then who will?

It is clear that our current leader ship – pa rental team have sold out their faith for a high price tag and in the process of making personal gains they gave up the people they swore to protect. They must remember that our souls will be held to account at the end of our life and the best time to make amends is before we have committed any further treason ourselves by aiding and abetting commands that mark our soul.

No more can we afford to allow the momentums of negativity to drown our people without standing up and demanding more of ourselves.

I believe it is now time for us to create a SPECIAL Practice where for the next week I will share the meaning of one letter of the SPECIAL acronym per day. We will then go through the process of designing a practice that we can practice together as I start actually doing my own.

It is time to walk our talk at a deeper level than ever before and designing our own SPECIAL Practice is a big part of that because it becomes a way we can regulate ourselves with greater confidence in what to expect from this thing called life.

That Practice will be introduced on Sunday January 10 at the 10:10am EST in a Self-Compassion Service/Empowerment Summit where we can gather and I’ll lead you through a soul retrieval process to start you off on this new journey toward self-mastery together.

I also wanted to share all that I’ve got posted recently you can check out here:

BRAND NEW: 9/33: We Are Eagles Raised In Farmyards – We Can Rise Above This Too! (POSTED JAN 8)

Let’s Grow Together: Reading “The 4 Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz – Part One (POSTED JAN 7)

Past Due: 1st Podcast – Recorded September 26, 2020  (POSTED JAN 6)

PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Summit 2021.1 with Kip Brooks, Laura JEH & Friends (H/POSTED JAN 6)

E9: The Electronic Belt – The Michael & Laura Show (POSTED JAN 5)

A Word About Ep-i-demonics* by Stanley Burroughs read by Laura JEH (POSTED JAN 4)

Self-Compassion Is The Secret (To) Service #1 (H/POSTED JAN 3)

To Our Present Leaders: Your Soul Is Not Safe In Corrupt Hands (POSTED JAN 2)

Sometimes I just don’t know how to share all that I’ve been preparing for you so I just hope that you’ll go to find it for yourself on my YouTube channel, but I know we’ve all got so much going on it’s hard to give as much time to watching videos as to what I put into recording them. That said there are several opportunities to join together live on Zoom for Summits, services and classes in the coming month so make sure you mark your calendar so you can be with us live soon! Check out the events page to see upcoming events here or via Meetup.

All of this is good information but will make it great is what you choose to do with it, you sovereign being!

Happy creating with hope for functional experiences of that process,

Laura JEH – Namaste

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