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Album 22.2 Final Monthly Meeting Tomorrow @ 8pm EST

Tomorrow is the 22nd of the month which has been the day artists gather for the Album 22.2 project and this month is also the dead life-line to submit a song to be added to the playlist being expanded next month.

It will be the final meeting before the first anniversary of Album 22‘s launch and also when more conscious contributions will be added to the playlist of artists from around the globe willing to share conscious music designed to uplift and inspire the elevation of consciousness. This time the theme of healing the child within has been our focus and being part of both projects has definitely helped with healing my own.

Bringing together 22+ artists from the first project stretched me and my former self-image and adding to it has also managed to do the same.

I had high hopes about how we could use this project to mentor and foster budding artists and musicians keen to connect with others in the industry, at all levels, but it didn’t work out that way. Eric Vasquez stepped up to share an insightful workshop about converting music to healing frequencies technologically which you can catch here. Sometimes not getting what we want is actually the gift that teaches us the most so when things don’t go the way we’d hoped, trust the Divine plan is even bigger than we originally had in mind.

The requirement to run a workshop or submit a 5-10minute video about a trade secret learned the hard way seemed to be a deal breaker for some but that was a great lesson for me for subsequent projects that will be unveiled over time!

‘KISS it’ is a valuable strategy to keep in mind: Keep It Simple Silly!!! (KISS)

To make this project more accessible to more artists Jared Wade and I have dropped the workshop requirement and made it so copyright use permissions are the only requirement for songs submitted by the end of tomorrow. The final pre-launch meeting will be held at 8pm EST and you are invited to join us and invite friends who could benefit from being part of a creative community like we’ve got going and growing!

Topic: Album 22.2 Final Monthly Meeting *PRE-LAUNCH/ANNIVERSARY*

Time: Jun 22, 2022 08:00 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 5989 3693

Passcode: PEACE

Contributing artists will offer updates on where they’re at and what’s coming for them next, strategizing for July’s Anniversary/Addition will be discussed, and Jared will provide an update on submissions for this project.

If you would like to get involved with our growing community of conscious creators please share you vision or intention so we can discuss the possibilities.

Creative projects are the way we organically take our power back from the insanity currently surrounding us and creating opportunities for aspiring artists is particularly close to my heart so I am open to collaborative opportunities to nurture and support aspiring artists; my soon-to-be launched book FULLY COMMITTED: The Sacred Sojourn of NOW will be a supportive tool that I look forward to sharing soon alongside this too!

With love and respect,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. Transforming our self-image is an intense and deeply personal experience that no one else will go through in exactly the same way we do. Community support opportunities will be coming for artists of all kinds, including the ones willing to intentionally design a life lived fully, and I’d love for you to be part of it! 

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