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Day 41: Tools To Remember Your Divine Nature

What a beautiful weekend it has been so far and we’re only now into the final hours of it!

Friday night I connected with a girlfriend who is moving out of her home in Toronto to follow the call to Costa Rica in January. Her landlords sold and she’s leaving behind her nest to spread her wings. I am not only proud, I am grateful to bear witness to the journey she is embarking on at this privotal time in HuEmanity’s history.

Then on my way back to Norfolk, I connected with Michael Seegers to drop off a ring light because they are literally one of those tech things you can’t imagine living without once you’ve used one and then know what you’re missing by not having one (or at least that was my experience). You can let us know if you notice the difference in the next video we record on the science of the spoken word, but I’m thrilled to say I just got up our last one early this morning.

It’s called “E4 The Michael & Laura Show: The Chart Of The Divine Presence & The Original Chakra System” and you can check it out by clicking here.

After that I stopped by a friend’s place I’d met while in Brantford General Hospital’s Mental Health Ward last November (which is not a place you want to wind up!). I led him through a guided process that turned into a song filled with insights he, and maybe you, can use to remember how significant you really are.

I got it posted just after midnight despite best efforts to post it before Cinderella’s fantasy expired, but at least you can enjoy a relaxing and reinvigorating song while you move through your day at some point! You can watch that video here.

I’ll be honest that I still see people despite the fearfull propaganda I hear in the living room and move away from to avoid because the hypocrisy of what is being asked of us is truly insane.

Please help me understand how it’s ok for me to go ‘put my life on the line’ interacting with strangers from everywhere for hours at a time like all grocery store personnel do most every day in an industry that only hires part time employees to prevent higher costs to the company, and somehow that’s supposed to be ok while connecting with people who fuel me and keep my heart healthy is more dangerous? It’s an absolute crock that half the population have fallen into while the other half shake our heads and get angry at ‘them’ and things just progressively get worse; until we choose to stop it.

Well it’s all part of the fearfull agenda that would have us fall out of our heart center, which Michael does a great explanation of using the Chart of the Divine Presence video I’m thrilled to be able to share with the world!

The best way to win a war is to divide and conquer and uncritical, compliant civilian-soldiers listening to the commands of their superior who is calling for the execution of treasonous orders despite the cost of life is not ok anymore.

I’ve connected with a couple women involved with the lawful dissention process that we are being called to enact together, as sovereign beings over the nation-state that is us, within this larger nation and globe. And what I’m sure of is that it won’t take as many as we think to reach the tipping point in collective consciousness, to bring massive change into effect.

Massive change is coming for us either way, I believe we may as we at least be at the leading cause of it.

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather if you can today – it’s glorious!


Laura JeH- Namaste

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