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Day 43: Show Up As You Wish To Be Seen (INNER Child PEACE Summit at 7pm EST)

It’s only a couple hours until the INNER Child PEACE Summit at 7pm EST where Tim Wheatley will offer some incredible insights into:

  • The 4 Survival Archetypes (the victim, child, prostitute, saboteur) and how to work when Scared versus in their Sacred aspect
  • How the conscious and subconscious mind work together to store belief systems that become the B.S. that binds us
  • Tools to nurture the parental team within

I’m really excited because I’ve messaged many of my switched on connections and heard back from many that they want to be in on the fun, and so the excitement grows and the pressure mounts, in theory.

Like the Law of the Garbage Truck I could either take on that pressure and get distracted by its weight or I can do what I am choosing to do which is just keep taking the next step forward through my day in the lead up to it.

The story of the ‘Law of the Garbage Truck’ was sent to me as an email years ago and I felt the significance of what I’d just received. The teaching is that people are constantly going through their day, loading up on negativity, drama, toxins and poisonous attitudes that eventually become a burden they can no longer stand and so an unconscious person would eventually try to share the load with another garbage truck, and the premise is that sometimes that other garbage truck happens to be us in our completely unsuspecting state.

It is impossible to beware of what we are not aware of and so now that you’re aware that people are like garbage trucks and their desire to offload on you does not mean that their garbage needs to wreck your day if you let it go when you walk away from them with respect.

One of my relationships in particular taught me a lot about projections and how easy it is to be told someone else’s garbage is mine when I love them and don’t expect them to emotionally abuse or betray me for their own power tripping purposes, but as Jesus said “forgive them for they know not what they do,” especially narcissists. Narcissists are so self-absorbed they are really good at smearing their crap on others to make their target look dirtier than them and then blame you as clearly the cause of the chaos in the first place, but do they even realize they’re doing it?

I have a lot more to learn about narcissists before I can speak into that with any level of confidence, but what I know from my relations with them is that narcissists love empaths with porous boundaries!; we’ll go into that deeper another day!

Tonight on the INNER Child PEACE Summit I’m going to be sharing the four survival archetypes from both their scared and sacred aspects to help us understand that the ego is actually our friend and nothing in us needs to die or disappear for things to improve. It’s just about integrating them harmoniously into the home front of our inner world so we can become even greater beacons of light in this world!

Tim is putting something together to support us in nurturing the inner parental team and based on the last two Summits I know this one is going to be amazing! And as I learn more about my cohost I am excited to introduce him to other thought leaders I respect in the field of personal growth, spiritual enlightenment and the ascension journey because these opportunities are our chance to connect with other switched on, amazing people! And you’re one of them because you’re here and still reading!!

I feel so blessed to be sharing the people I know have valuable insights to share about their training and experience of transformation in gatherings that will look different in the New Year but that we are now setting the foundation for by uniting for the good of our people.

You can access the Zoom link by subscribing to my daily email series on this page or you can join the group I started on Meetup because the link is there for members who register for tonight’s call from 7-9pm EST. You can do so too by clicking here.

Much love and blessings wished your way,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. What soulfull questions or contributions do you have that you would like to have addressed or discussed in future summits? We have open Q&A Time following the teaching pieces so the effort you put in ahead of time by setting an intention for what you’d like to get out of participating will be especially key. 

PPS. This message was supposed to be about showing up as you wish to be seen so that you feel as good as possible about being in the recording that will be posted to YouTube once I’ve had a chance to edit and upload it later. It doesn’t take much to address it but it will make a world of difference to how you feel through the whole call if you dress in something that makes you feel as good on camera as you can at this time. And please take my word for it, you will be your own worst critic so don’t let that part of you hold you back today! Come and learn about that part of you instead on the call!

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