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I Am Paying To Do This & Am Sincere In What I’m Doing

“I am paying to do this and am sincere in what I’m doing” are the words Dr. Mike Yeadon shared in a video I’m now watching about why he’s standing up, speaking out and sharing freely his qualified perspectives as a scientist that has been discredited for speaking up about the dangers of the injections, lock downs and much of what is happening right now globally. Check that out here.

Yeadon was once a high ranking pharmaceutical industry professional before these particular mRNA injections were introduced, at which point he turned to the public with an urgent warning. Read more about him and this story here.

The point is that today at 5:55pm EST I will be gathering with other PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United by our shared desire to leave this plan-ET experiment better for our having been here. And so today we’ll be talking about a significant subject which is sacred activism.

I hope you will choose you use to link below to join our zoom room so that we can have a discussion about what sacred activism is and what it isn’t.

Join Zoom Meeting TODAY Thursday July 29, 2021 at 5:55pm EST (1.5hrs):

Meeting ID: 979 7277 3174

Passcode: PEACE

If you want more soul food still then you can join me on another call I’ll host at 8pm EST which is a book study on “The Human Aura” by Kuthumi where we’ll be reading chapters 5 & 6 aloud and then discussing. Meeting details* for TODAY Thursday July 29, 2021 at 8pm EST (1hr):

Meeting ID: 980 3926 9821

Passcode: PEACE

*Check out our PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United group on for links to chapters 1-4.

If you have any trouble logging on you can always watch the live stream on Facebook in a group I’d love for you to have a chance to contribute to called “Where Misfits Fit: Home for Soulfull Seekers.”

I’m also interviewing one of our Album 22 Artists for our Interview series in less than 30 minutes so we’ll hopefully see you on one of today’s calls as I need to go get ready!

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. It’s hard to believe this photo was taken just one year ago considering how much has happened since then, wow! Fun memories I’m glad I said yes to. And as you’ve likely come to expect, there’s a story about that I’ll share another day 😉 Be sure to remind me and I’ll get it out to you!! 

PPS. The post I wrote to go with the memory today says a lot so will share it here too:

Well it was just over one year ago that I was at a nude beach where I sat next to a photographer who introduced me to the cohost I’ve got the most views on a video with of anyone.
It was a nude interview, as you can imagine, but all of my interviews are in a way, they just generally take place in the ‘textile’ world with clothes overtop the vessels that transport the ones I am interviewing. Because, in truth, I speak to the soul of those brave enough to share in Conscious Conversations LIVE.
I definitely politicized my message about the masks but having been forced into an unpaid leave of absence effective as of Jan 15, 2021 because I wouldn’t mask then or now, I stand by it.
I believe our next generations deserve to have the right to do something this outrageously natural because we dared to and stood for the right for others to do it too!
Stand Up, Stand Free, Freedom Rising Canada – Let’s Unite!!!

Comments (1)

I could not agree. more on both issues!!!

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