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It’s Time To Get Your 3 (LIVE) Birth Certificates Too: We’ll Have A Chance To Use Them Soon

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A couple weeks ago I got my friend Chantal to show me how to get my three live birth certificates so I can proceed with some lawful matters that require attention. She was the same woman that introduced me to the Practical Lawful Dissent International group that was trying to use the evocation of Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta as evidence to call for redress so it’s befitting we began this journey together too.

I took screenshots of the process to help others get through it for themselves too so we can all move forward in being real together.

I am still within the 6 week processing period until my 3 certificates arrive so I haven’t used the $115 investment that went into getting them yet but what I know is that until there is a second line through the dollar sign to signal it is backed by something of substance I want to cover all my bases on the way back to the present moment where all our creative power exists.

Before you start the process you are going to need to know your birth weight and the Doctor’s name if you have access to that information from your birth records, and you’ll also need a Guarantor who will vouch for your character in order for your person to be granted these certificates. If you don’t have access to those pieces of information I’d be curious how you do with the application process but hope this series of screenshots helps you complete a process a lot of people talk about being necessary without explaining how it’s done.

I found an in depth description of how to choose your Guarantor that I’d like to share here to make it easy for you to be ready.

I’m sharing screen shots of all the steps I captured as I went and hope this helps those motivated to be ready for when the call to lawful action comes to feel as ready as we ever do to try something new. Let’s be ready, with certificates of authentication in hand (not in self-image).

For starters go to and just follow the steps like I did. You can use this for reference of what to expect along the process:

This is the page that we will see when we go there.

The first page is a Notice of Collection that you’ll have to accept in order to proceed further in the application process:


I didn’t capture every single screen but I hope to have grabbed enough of them to help simplify and destress your experience of following suit!

Email me at if you want to move forward with the process of claiming your live status lawfully and legally.

We’ll be moving onto Part Two once I have received my documents and am able to do so.

With love,

Laura jeH – Namaste

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