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Legacy: Start With The End Goal In Mind


“If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there” – The Cheshire Cat

The big question is how do you want to be remembered?

When someone thinks of you in retrospect do you want to have been part of a transaction or do you want to be someone that sprinkles magic into someone’s day and leaves them better for having spent time with you?

I love being able to sprinkle magic into people’s days and the coolest part is that I’m currently working as a Membership Coordinator at an adult playground (AKA Movati Athletic Brantford) and I get to talk to members and prospects every day, helping them say yes to themselves.

Some people are ready to get started right away and others aren’t.

Some bulk at the investment of their T.E.E.M because they already feel like they don’t have enough Time Energy Emotion Money… that’s the T.E.E.M that we all use to compete about our not enoughness, by minimizing our greatness so we feel like less of a threat.

We justify all the energetic investments we’re already making as to why we either should or can start something new and by the end, we typically go right back to our default habits.

We are like the rose that fears blossoming or the caterpillar that fears its metamorphosis into a butterfly and want to put it off.

Your daily decisions about where you invest your T.E.E.M will make all the difference to how effective you can be and how impactful you will be in the long term. How you spend your daily lottery winnings matter, all 86,400 seconds of your daily prize.

Each day is prime time to connect with others and change both of you in the process.

Your emotional states determine how you view the situation and the other person’s response to it. In our fear we make up stories about how others are judging us that sometimes keep people from playing full out and becoming more of who we really are.

Look to become a rock person for those nearest and dearest to you, and the beacon for others who will come to know of you from a distance. What we must all remember is that we have a finite supply of time, energy, money and emotional capacity and how we invest each of our accounts daily has a great influence over how much we have left to give away to others.

As much as it’s about giving, it’s also about receiving joy for having participated in the exchange that gives us pleasure. So it’s a matter of filing the stove with wood before expecting to derive heat from it, yet that’s how so many people are living their lives. In a “I’ll give back once I’ve got something in exchange for my investment of my T.E.E.M” kind of way, but the truth is you must first prove your value before you have the freedom and flexibility to make special requests or to charge a lot before having proved your worth. That’s how many people approach service providers and it’s challenging to offer an intangible offer that will shift everything if you’re willing to stick with it.

That’s what rock people will help you do and is the reason you both want to be one and to have access to a couple solid pillars of strength in your world.

Whishy-washey, unstable people can’t be relied on or depended on when the going gets tough and is the reason you get an uneasy feeling when someone proves themselves to be unreliable. Trust is everything and if you can’t be trusted to do what you say you’re going to do then you become a liability rather than an asset.

Part of your legacy will be dictated by the people you surround yourself with and how much they challenge you to be better than you were yesterday. You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most amount of time with so if you want to do, be and have more you’ve got to be intentional about how you want to be remembered and then connect yourself with Grandfathers and Mothers in the realm of your interest who will be able to share their wisdom from a perspective of experience.

No one of us is as great as all of us and as Maya Angelou famously said I stand before you as 1 but behind me are all my soul connections who came before me.

Whether you are biologically connected or not you are influencing the lives of the people you are connected to and it is up to you to be intentional about the legacy you will leave in the heart and mind of each individual you come into contact with.

Instead of getting so big and grandiose about the purpose of it all why not just trace it back to the roots which is individual to individual who is then able to connect that individual to their individual connections and beyond. We enhance our sense of safety by developing a tribe of people who (hopefully) respect us, because their influence over us will keep us living at their level for as long as we’re more attached to fitting in and being liked by them than to the ginormous task of fulfilling your role in the grander plan.

It’s not your business my friend, just get in touch with the feelings you want to bring out in others and then show up to situations prepared to be that kind of reflective surface for them.

Be present and you will be loved and appreciated beyond compare!

Let people know they matter and that you see them. More on that another time.

Healthfully and Joyfully Yours,

Laura JE Hamilton

Connect with me on Instagram

PS. This little man has been with me on this journey for 10 years now. He’s an absolute gift to me and I’m grateful for Mr. Julius Romeo beyond measure. What are you grateful to be learning from right now?


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