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our plan, the divine’s & the journey of inner transformation


I aspire to be true to myself and others as a result of the integrity I restore through right action. Having walked this path through life as a mystic without a monastery, I have learned a few tricks, teachings and tales that I believe could help you in dreaming the New Orderly World into existence with other PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United who are willing to take a stand for what is right while doing the INNER work too! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. – Laura JeH

The divine plan works on its own schedule.

It never asks if we’re too far off course before redirecting us, it just trusts our autopilot (subconscious) mechanism to redirect us to get back on track. It’s like when a missile is on assignment; it may be off course 99% of the time and yet most reach their destination because they’re constantly being redirected, and that’s what we’re being called to do right now with our attention too.

It’s about learning to create a centre of inner peace that we can access anytime. Maxwell Maltz called this our inner rabbit hole in a book called “Psycho-cybernetics” I would strongly recommend for how it sheds light on how we come up with our self-image identity in the first place.

We often use the past to judge, label and condemn ourselves within the courtroom of our saboteur’s quarters and yet we want to pretend that part of us doesn’t exist so badly that we create little white lies to hide the truth which will become a full lie once discovered.

We forget that everything has a scared shadow side and sacred side to it and it is up to us to choose which wolf we will feed.

There is a parable of a Cherokee grandfather who tells his grandson there is a fight happening within each of them between a good wolf and an evil one. When asked which wolf would win the Grandfather re-minded him the answer would depend on which wolf they choose to feed their energetic resources of Time, Energy, Effort, Attention and Money to. And the same is true for us.

A tribunal is often held to determine the tribe’s comfort level with new information and even though the messenger doesn’t necessarily originate the message, we are often the ones used as a scapegoat if the message is not one people want to hear.

I am willing to share what I believe I have come to know and hope you will listen with an open mind so you can make an informed decision about what is best for you based on all that you’re aware of.

We’re being called to change our relationship with ourselves by taking our power back from the external authorities we previously placed it in the hands of and in the process we shift the Uni-verse on its axis at a time when we are all aware that everything is changing anyway so we may as well add our creative intentions to the mix.

We have to remember the story of the monkeys on an island being studied who were given sweet potatoes on the beach each day by their captors. One day one of the sweet potatoes rolled into the water and the monkey who ran to grab it rubbed it off and then bit into the first non-sandy sweet potato of its life. Delighted, it naturally shared the discovery with its monkey buddies, who shared it with theirs and eventually, when it reached the 100th monkey, all monkeys everywhere knew to wash off the sweet potato before eating it because the idea landed in the collective consciousness and became widely accessible knowledge.

One hundred is not the number required to reach a tipping point in collective consciousness for us but it reflects the fact that reaching it will take less effort than we think. Collective shifts take place when a certain amount of the population become aware of something that everyone seems to know but we don’t seem to know what to do about it, as if it’s an unspoken problem that is common knowledge yet not convenient to acknowledge or clean up.

We are holographic images of the Grand Overall Designer who have access to the Grand Overall Database that contains all that is and ever has been, existing simultaneously without time and space to limit it’s fullest expansion, and so we must be responsible stewards of one another, for this is our shared duty of care.

A documentary called The Need To Grow makes it clear that unless we change current farming practices we only have approximately 60 years left of sustainable farm land, and then what? What will we tell our future generations who cannot farm the nutrient depleted lands they will inherit from us, unless we take responsibility for our impact on the world we live in now and start doing things differently from this moment on.

It is time to realize that the seeds we plant in the Earth are equally important to the ones we plant in our own minds, the minds of others, and the ones that were already planted in our hearts long before we got to the moment we are in.

Like the Oak tree that awaits its fullest expression from the seed until it is given the right circumstances to grow and prosper by, it’s time to start respecting the Law of Timing and to know that you and the Divine will often have very different timelines or expectations for achieving the desires of the heart and yet everything is still happening for us, not to us.

Rejection can be a form of protection, after all.

To ensure we are able to become the greatest expression of ourselves possible, we are given extra challenges as we clear karma from our own past as well as for the collective and our lineage for multiple generations each way too. This whole ‘being human’ thing is so much more than just the physical aspect of what we’re doing and how we’re doing it.

It is during times of crisis that the ‘true ones’ reveal themselves and is why I am remaining standing as a woman in my private capacity with all common law rights reserved at all times, calling other men and women to recognize the power position being real/present is within a fictitious reality that requires us strive to be more which actually converts us into something less than we originally were. And to understand the story is important to me for people to comprehend!

We cannot afford to pretend to be other than we are any longer, or ‘fake it till we make it’, because little eyes are watching and learning the standards of the status quo they will either aspire to live up to when what we really need are conscious co-creators of a REALITY we can all in-joy living in and leaving behind us when our soul drops the garb we use to play as our character until we return back to the same source that created us all.

I wrote a long blog and read it to my man (and part to his Mom too) last night while we were on the phone. It was all about us, the departure of my beloved Great Uncle Billy from this world on Thursday and the episode at the hospital where I stood my ground as a woman claiming the right to see my loved one regardless of whether the corporation of Norfolk General Hospital believes I have a right to do so on their property or not. I got escorted out that evening and learned a few more things in the process so I’ll share more about that soon and simply share this message from my drafts folder touched up to make it current.

To round this message out I will simply say that our time frame and the Divine’s time frame are often markedly different and my Aunt Sandra is definitely feeling the truth in that sentiment now as she adjusts to life without her man. Any loving wishes sent her way at this time would be greatly appreciated and I’ll be back again soon with a make-up blog to the one that disappeared soon!

I will miss your presence in my life Uncle Billy, but I’m grateful to have got to have you for as long as what we did! Keep giggling!!!

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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