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The HUB for HumanKIND Summit Is Coming FAST!!! Join Us May 17-19


Well, it has been a trip and a half through these past few weeks since the eclipse when so much shifted for and in me particularly because of my involvement in the planning of an event you will want to say you were present for too!

The HUB for HumanKIND Summit is happening May 17-19 and as the Camp Authenticity lead some of my old patterns have shown up to be re-scripted in the process of being part of the planning for it which has been insightful!

I’m grateful for how being part of the HUB for HumanKIND has helped me to identify and clear some residue I almost didn’t make it through in similar situations in the past but did this time because of the support I personally received through Souls Path.

It’s a 58 acre natural setting with vibrant life in the blossoming community space with nature trails galore.

Tomorrow I’ll be visiting the land to plan out the Camp location and firm up the schedule for Camp Authenticity which has an incredible lineup, alongside the other 4 camps that are also packed with value and abundant offerings! I feel blessed to be part of the experience we are co-creating that you are invited to be part of too!

I’ve been quiet while I rebalance and reset to a higher level where new devils, higher rent, new neighbours and better views exist. But with the event fast approaching that silence has come to an end, as has my own pattern of devaluing myself for the sake of others who haven’t quite known how to engage with me because I haven’t clearly laid things out to eliminate doubt. This opportunity has helped me see that more clearly than I could have on my own and there will be patterns you’ll notice because you got yourself involved too!

That is part of the Empowered Storytelling workshop I’ll be sharing and would love to have you present for! It will be vulnerable, authentic and REAL in an effort to feel the emotions that help heal self and generations in both directions too.

The line up of workshops, activities and conscious co-creative space is inspiring to say the least and in the coming two weeks we’ll be introducing more of the people involved that might be ‘the one’ to help you through whatever transformation you are presently undergoing. Events like this are concentrated centres where people committed to growth and self-betterment feel the pull to be present – if that’s you then you can purchase the ticket option that resonates most for you here.

You’ll notice a sliding scale option has been made available so money does not need to be a prohibitive factor.

We want to support you with the INNER work that will help you stand in your power and create a life you love living!!!

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