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Come On A Journey To Transform Your Self-Image: 66 Day Series Begins April 1st


In order to know where we’re going we can do a quick evaluation of the past and see projections line up if we do what we’ve always done.

In order to get something new we have to dream up something new and then put our energy into creating that.

And so it is that instead of leaving our fate in the hands of men who lived before the time we’re living in now I believe it is appropriate for us to craft a self-image we can enjoy living into by intentionally envisioning it ahead of time.

In order to sound more professional my bio could read like this, where it appears to have been written by someone else:

Laura jeH received an HBA in English from McMaster University in 2009 and has been a certified coach, trainer and speaker since 2011 when she became the youngest Founding Partner of the John Maxwell Certification Program (JMT). During the seven years she was heavily involved with the JMT she was the life-partner of a faculty member for 4 years when she coordinated the coaching partnerships program for Mentorship participants, a program coordinator for 1.5 years and even acted as event support at 10 events for a secular training experience that perfectly prepared her to tell the REAL Story of ROME using her own story and all its many twists, turns and circles.

Yet that separatist approach to professional and client made it difficult to market myself when so much importance needs to be framed from a 1st person person that lessens the appearance of credibility with a 3rd party endorsing us…

To tell this story I am calling on my own life experience and the story of those further down the path to where I am in consciousness to be able to co-create a vision we love living into. And we’re going to bring in Hermeticism and Hermeneutics which are distinctly different and will be what we get into during the course of this series along with many occult, secret and hidden mysteries about the human condition, that being bearers of life (our own firstandforemost).

You are invited to come on a journey with me through 66 days to transform our respective self-images and the outer image we see reflected back to us in conscious ways and we’re going to record the whole process to capture the stand out moments.

Every day of April and May you will receive an insightful message from yours truly, Laura jeH, about an aspect of identity that will be impacted by your choice to step into a different version of reality than what you’re used to and we’re going to shape them around the weekly themes of the MASTERminds happening on Wednesdays.

We are using the following projects to practically implement the co-creative process of bringing the bigger picture into the frame:

April 20-21 will be an Earth Day Expo for Tiny Homes & Sustainable Living at Souls Path Retreats. We’re creating a networking and workshopping experience with FULLY COMMITTED Souls who come for an enriching retreat experience while the expo is on. This will give us a chance to meet people who are interested in this niche market while also sharing our desire to co-create a vision that we can all get behind and stand on confidently knowing that it is beneficial to us all. The sacred significance of the Earth Day ceremonies happening during the expo is significant.

May 17-19 is when the HUB for HumanKIND is happening where healers, practitioners and skilled artisans of life will gather to enrich the lives of one another while also participating in the real time filming of a documentary about how we harmonized us.

Co-creators are called to contribute to camps designed around the wheel of life and how to live it well with harmony between us.

Album 24 is an added way for artists to get involved in an INNER transformation process that has a prize for upleveling the frequency we put out by being part of the 3rd conscious compilation album project designed to mobilize a grassroots campaign to collaborate in the healing of hearts, homes and hegemonic ideologies.

The ‘Documentary Series’ is already in progress through the Vlogs on my YouTube channel that is tracking our efforts to harmonize and co-create a reality that we seek. You can check out to see the first two albums we have already done and the interviews I did with some of the contributing artists involved in that project by checking out our playlist here.

Our next call for the HUB for HumanKIND in May that everything else connects to will be April 4 from 7:30-9pm EST. You can grab the details for that collaborative call via meetup.

Daily emails will also feature the conversations had with those who have journeyed way down the rabbit holes of narratives that can offer insights most people haven’t thought to even notice yet just as I suggested was necessary in the rally speech that got my person summoned for violating an Act I never agreed to play in, all of which I am grateful for. Check out that speech here.

You will be invited to join live calls with insightful people who will ask you questions that get you thinking about life in a different way than you ever have before based around distinct topics of conversation.

I am going to use this 66 Day Series to create the Companion Manual to FULLY COMMITTED that will feature The REAL Story of ROME as I’ve learned to tell it after more than a year of intuitively researching the tale of our origins since ‘getting the drop’ that the Justinian Deception is significant on November 22, 2022. Rohan Lorian and Romley Stewart’s work led me deep into the fallacy and Frank O’Collins’ work helped me learn the value of power-placements in perspective and presentation.

There are many hidden agendas and plans at play at all times so we would be well served to be mindful of this as we maneuver the transformation of our self-image because that is the precursor to identity. The personas we wear and the stories we share contribute to the experience others have of us within Hiero’s Prism and beyond it.

And so it is that this message is your formal invitation to join in the rich experience we are about to venture through together over the coming 66 days of personal transformation with several opportunities for you to plug in to the level of your comfort:

  1. Get the Whole Kit & Caboodle: $999ish Donation with Great Appreciation
    This includes the 7 week virtual MASTERmind, 4 bi-weekly group coaching calls and 4 nights accomodation at Souls Path for both live events you can get to be part of.
    listed events at Souls Path PLUS receive a 30 minute personalized coaching session with Laura jeH upon receipt of your donation.
    Receive a copy of the working edition of The REAL Story of ROME at the live retreat and receive a signed copy of FC too!
    Growing with the people we live and lead our lives with makes the process easier and more pleasant. Come with a friend and recognize that we are expanding our common ground to encompass the following experiences too:
    MASTERmind group: $297 value
    Earth Day Expo & Retreat Experience: $333 value
    HUB for HumanKIND Retreat: $333 value
    Telegram & Facebook Group Support: Priceless
    Regular LIVE Group Calls Interviewing Experts: Invaluable
    30 min Discovery Call with Laura JeH…
    66 Day Email Series To Motivate & Inspire…
    Bi-weekly Group Coaching Calls: $222 monthly 
    Signed Copy of FULLY COMMITTED: $25 value
    Copy of Working Manuscript of The REAL Story of ROME…
  2. FULLY COMMITTED – MASTERmind Group: $55 Donation Recommended

This group launches Wednesdays from 7:30-9pm for a private group of participants willing to listen to or read 4 specified chapters per week for 7 weeks and discuss them in relation to the theme of the week:

Session 1: Who We Are Versus Who We Believe Our Cells To Be (April 3)

Session 2: The Release Of The Con’s Troll (April 10)

Session 3: Self-Study As Essential (April 17)

Session 4: Manipulating Truth For Good, Bad & Other-wise (April 24)

Session 5: The Journey Cult-U-re Takes Us On (May 1)

Session 6: Trials & Tribulations of a Covert Nature (May 8)

Session 7: Death, Vampirism & INNER Guidance Systems (May 15)

Your donation will cover the 7 audiofiles containing your weekly chapter assignments and questions to contemplate.

3. Join in the Group Calls Happening this month & receive daily inspirational content for free.

I get that life can be a struggle and making ends meet has been a challenge for many at this challenging time of rewriting our story to tell a more empowered version of what we’ve been dealing with which will be the focus of this 66 day series and beyond.

Join the PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Assembly group on Telegram to be part of the discussion about INNER stuff.

4. Another option you have is to go off without choosing any of the above and lose access to all that is here for you.

OR you can donate whatever you can and plug into the MASTERmind groups to pick up tips you can apply in your real life.

You get to choose what is going to be the best option for you as demonstrated by your self-care Practice which is what we’ll be developing over the course of the 66 day journey.

I have even developed an acronym for ‘SPECIAL Practice’ that covers all aspects of our multi-dimensional nature.

This is how the 66 days will be relayed to you through the emails I’ll be sending to those who subscribe using the signup box.

We’ve got ample content for a Documentary series from what has been shared to my YouTube channel since 2015 when it began.

With the help of some of the most interesting people I’ve encountered who are willing to combine puzzle pieces in the telling of the tale that we’re all telling from our vantage point we will be painting an empowered vision for us to share in the cocreation of.

Far too many people have been feeling helpless in the face of the “inevitable” and many people have been devoting a lot of energy to preparing for when this happens, yet preparing for an altered reality with terrifying scenes and characters is not the kind of movie I want to project on the theatre screen on my mind.

I believe in the power of our mind and the INNER image we hold of the realities we wish to create or enjoy more of.

I also believe in the power of wordspells and the need to see the i with the mage as the one who creates their own image ahead of time or when they may have been assigned an identity; an (i)mage knows what they’re creating ahead of when it appears in real life because we are the ones who envision the reality we wish to ground first in our mind and then in our lives.

And so it is that you are invited to become an (i)mage Wizard of a life you love living by subscribing before the live series begins April 1st.

I’m quite excited to bring it to you and have already starting crafting the instalments as you can imagine… wow!

The REAL Story of ROME is a tale like we never expected to have told about how we were deceived for centuries by people who loved us and thought they were doing best to keep us playing small in the trenches when we were born to stand strong like the energetic light houses or beacons that each of us naturally are.

We’ll be talking about the fundamental distinctions between essence and form and all the ways sick and twisted norms have eroded the line between where our conscience begins and our sanity stops.

There’s an element of mania that comes with genius and given the younger version of me was called “Laura Jeanie” I think I’ve always been a genie in a bottle that lost the box for a while there when I blew the lid off the top of the realm of normal in a way that many people couldn’t relate to.

Which is where the REAL acronym came into play as I realized the necessity for Relatability, Ethics, Altruism and Loving intent.

These are factors, elements and key variables that will be covered in the coming days and I’m excited to share them with you!

Looking forward to learning more about your story and how it fits into the larger telling of ours!

Laura jeH – Namaste

PS. If you want to see a visual of the top-down versus ground level experience of ‘the game’ then you’ve got to check out the Beehive Collective’s presentation from Bloom Festival that I shared to the PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United channel.

PPS. Be sure to check out the other videos posted to this channel, particularly between Claudio and I who will be gathering on April 1st at 10:10am to go deeper into the character archetypes of the Tarot from an Empowered Perspective. Join us live!

PPPS. The PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Assembly group on Telegram is a growing space where a lot of valuable exchanges are made in a realm we largely keep covid free so that we can fully create instead of react. Share inspiring information that you believe others would genuinely benefit from giving attention to and let’s be more respectful of one another’s time by only sharing longer videos with an explanation as to what makes them significant, relatable or relevant to us.

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