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With Every New Level Comes A New Devil, Higher Rent & New Neighbours (SUMMIT @2pm)

This week has been a significant week for several reasons.

Saturday marked my first Munay Ki rites ceremony and this next one will provide the final seven as there are nine rites in the tradition brought to the West by Alberto Villaldo. Corrina Choe is the shamanic energy worker I am receiving these rights from and whom you’ll hear more about soon!

On Tuesday Dan the Christian Man and Ethan Lucas came on another “Alpha Bet Unpacked” SUMMIT and things went in an unexpected direction but some great ground was covered. You can check out the replay here and leave a comment about what questions you would have liked seen asked or have answered in the future.

We’ll be unpacking this experience in a future call but for now, I believe grace, blessings and prayers for healing and resolution of the underlying energies behind all of this would be beneficial for us all!

Today (April 8) at 2pm EST we will gather for the next Mind Control Programming and Propaganda SUMMIT with a focus on “The Mental Health Act & The Free-DUMB Of Spells.” As you’d expect there’s a clever word play in there and I won’t be alone in this either. Several familiar faces and new faces alike will gather for this third SUMMIT of its kind and focus. To see the first two just check out our meetup event and you’ll be able to grab the zoom details!

I hope you’ll join the conversation and if logging into meetup won’t work for you, here are the call details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 0785 7732
Passcode: PEACE

To just watch the YouTube LIVE Stream of the show you can do so here but we’d prefer to see you 🙂

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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