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Year End Announcements, Invitations & Insights from Laura jeH

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We’re nearly at the end of the year and it is clear what needs to happen for us to win this war against ourselves and the cells (domains) we’ve invested our power into during a mixed war of con-fusing me-as-u-res.

Our story is reflective of the metaphoric story of David and Goliath that we are with the Matrix REALITY that we are living our lives out within, the concepts of which are fed to us through the media programs and propaganda methods we watch that tell terrible and terrifying tales of truth from a certain perspective, often delivered by the JOKER who gets us to laugh at the sick wyrds planned for those who don’t get out in time.

Just as Neo stood up to the Smith Agents in the movie The Matrix that was meant to trigger and activate those with eyes to see the truth despite the JOKER’s delivery of a terrible end for those who re-fuse to hear, see or speak what’s REAL.

If we learn how to re-main the main character in our own story then we can maintain use of 1st person pronouns like I, me, my, us, we, ours which is all in-compassing of gender specific pronouns that identify us by the BS we show allegiance and affiliation with through the name brands, logos and signs that we wear and brandish around using pur-chased merchadise.

That’s what we’re going to be covering in the New Year New You experience which will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before!

Let’s maeuvre the awakening journey from a whole-i-stick (holistic) perspective and stance that I have pieced together throughout 2023 in a process that disillusioned me but that I grew from and gained a fuller pic.

I’m asking for your help.

I bought a lot of copies of my first book FULLY COMMITTED: The Sacred Sojourn of NOW because I was told that was the best deal to expand my profit margin which would help me help more people and I took the hook, bait, line and sinker and signed away more than $10k (k meaning thousand) to pay for a bulk order that has become like the metaphoric Albatros that Bill Lishman referenced in his book that I narrated earlier this year (FATHER GOOSE) which is another story for another time.

I need help in moving these books to repay the private loan I took out from my Papa to cover the half I didn’t have to cover the price of 1500 books when he said he’d back me on having books to sell on hand. I want to show him I was a good bet after all and in exchange for your support of my body of work you get to be part of the MASTERmind Challenge!!!

Let us focus our attention onto the Challenge details laid out are here:

January 1st begins the daily sections from the course in REAL time, with an acronym for the word real (Relatable, Ethical, Altruistic and Loving) and the constant reminder of the destiny or fate we make for ourselves and our cells by the choices we make and the wyrds we live or die by.

I’ll be posting my brand new course “Leveling The Playing Field: An Ode To L’auralease” on Udemy for just $22 CDN so it’s affordable for anyone willing to back an earnest desire for positive change with investments of your TEEAM (which stand for Time, Energy, Effort, Attention and Money).

You can also get both this course and a copy of my book for $44 which is an investment into what will go down in your story as the descansos that marks your own em-power-ment, if you’re willing to be the Master of your own life.

The Weaving INtentional INNER WEBS Podcast will also be kicking back off in the new year focused on self-worth, esteem, beliefs and INNER security. Event details will be posted to

The Challenge is to disconnect your sense of identity from as many of the identities that have been hosting lower levels of consciousness (frequency nets) for and on behalf of a vampiric system filled with people willing to step on other people to get to the top of the pile.

Let me know you’re committed to making 2024 the year we grounded the highest timeline of being free to love without the limitations, obligations or unachievable expectations.

Re-establishing community connections of care and compassion that can support one another in taking back our power to create in a world apart from the one that wanted us to believe the myth about our own power(lessness).

We are powerful beyond measure, for it is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most, Marianne Williamson’s poem Our Deepest Fear quite rightly pointed out.

Together we’re going to get back to being people that place people over profits orated by false prophets propagating fear in various forms. It’s an atrocious visual to bring to mind yet we have all largely come to believe that “it’s a dog eat dog world out there” and “that’s just the way things are done around here” as a mentality for why it’s ok to continue harming others for the sake of a liege-lord or vassal who make us the villains that villeins were made to be while acting for their ‘top man’ (due to feudal allegiances).

A Change In Approach

It’s time to weed out the underlying tensions within communities so egos stop destroying one another and dividing communities that are full of people we care about or want to be connected to because we love how they make us feel when getting to connect on common ground in real life scenarios.

And we’re going to revert to the original acronym for SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound instead of the Surveillance Monitored Analysis Reporting Technology of the 15minute cities where Big Brother watches everything within its domain of surveillance.

Community requires respect for privacy as an essential component of our standards in relationship dynamics and corporations cannot afford for warriors to connect with others who are willing to stand together on common ground like we are being called to do now at our first PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Festival of PEACE in the new year (details coming soon).

People from all tribes, cultures, sects and groups from around the world are welcome so long as overtaking or domination of the group is not intended.

The Bullies’ Role In The Drama Triangle

Bullying and inconsiderate usery of others is no longer an accept-able way to be in a world where it has become so common place that we don’t hardly contest mistreatment anymore. Yet the example our younge ones are seeing compared to what they hear the same adults in their world telling them to act like are mismatched, confusing and disheartening and it’s not ok anymore.

                                    Karpman’s Drama Triangle points out there are three positions within the triangle that get played like musical chairs within this disempowering dynamic, those being the victim, bully (persecutor) and bystander (rescuer) characters, archetypes or personas that we take on for a time but eventually shift out of if we’re willing to train ourselves to be respectful of ourselves and the temple(s) we came here to responsibly husband and steward over the care of. Which is when we can flip into the empowered TED Talk we walk with the story of our lives.                                                                        

Uncapitalized Spiritual laws

The land, air and water are territories we came here with a shared responsibility and duty to protect, defend against the capitalization through lack of care and nurture to ensure their continuation, except we didn’t notice the counterfeiting of these things to specify and limit us in the name of something or someone outside of our cells.

We are each responsible for turning a blind eye while pirates rape (fruct) and plunder (abuse) our trusts using Trusts that have been created in the likeness and image of the original we are implied to be, like our person is used to do. It’s even referred to as a Quasi-Usufruct which is fodder for another day.

Get Involved in 2024

We cannot afford to allow the corporations to create counterfeit copies of our homelands that is implied to be the territory ‘up for grabs’ by the highest right of claim that we share equal access to if we know how to claim our rights and stand on our claims.

I have much to share but will leave it there until the Christ=mast Day Bonus Course Offer I’m working on now.

Keep your eyes peeled and inbox ready by subscribing to receive emails from me using the ‘Sign Up’ Box on my homepage.

Details of de tales will be shared in our PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Assembly group on Telegram.

I look forward to your conscious comments on any of my videos and to also seeing your participation in the Telegram group chat group where iron sharpens iron every day! 🙂

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. I can’t even hardly believe that I get to be the one to offer this but I am grateful to know what’s coming and how we can change the doomed outlook and supposed trajectory we’ve been pro-missed by the pros that can miss without punishment so long as they are addressed by the public position they are holding.

PPS.If notice is given to the public thing that our person or position is within the corporate (con)struct(ure) we are operating within, then any one can technically be passed ‘the thing’ to hold or drop at the discretion of the one doing the job or holding the ‘hot potato’ in public office.

If notice is given to the man or woman sometimes acting in a public capacity, but always free to follow our own will, in their private capacity then the suit of liability protection extended to the creations of the creator of the domain does not cover the ones acting in the role.

Just as Neo stood up to the Smith Agents in the movie The Matrix that was meant to trigger and activate those with eyes to see the truth despite the JOKER’s delivery of a terrible end for those who re-fuse to hear, see or speak what’s REAL.

If we learn how to re-main the main character in our own story then we can maintain use of 1st person pronouns like I, me, my, us, we, ours which is all in-compassing of gender specific pronouns that identify us by the BS we show allegiance and affiliation with through the name brands, logos and signs that we wear and brandish around using pur-chased merchadise.

That’s what we’re going to be covering in the New Year New You experience which will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before so let’s go on the journey inward together in 2024.

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