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Youth & Parents: Setting The Foundation Strong Together (TONIGHT’S CALL)

It’s nearly the end of summer and I’m going to be offering you something very SPECIAL starting September 1!!!

In the mean time, lots is happening behind the scenes and I’ve hardly had a chance to let you know that tonight we will host the first “Youth & Parent Circle: Sacred Space to Discuss Truth As Stranger Than Fiction” at 8pm EST.

Here I will share an explanation of 3 overlapping Hierarchies to demonstrate how what is happening now is happening from a psychological perspective. We will start by looking at Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motivational Needs and then branch into Tony Robbins’ theory and unpack the Hierarchy of Creation on tonight’s call.

Before this call I will also be hosting a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Call with Kristen Nagle with Canadian Frontline Nurses about what is happening on September 1 and why compassionate care is not only called for, it is compulsory.

Kristen and I will go live to Facebook on “Where Misfits Fit: Home for Soulfull Seekers” shortly after 7:30pm EST so feel free to tune into this important announcement to hear more about what they are doing, what they’re about and how they’re contributing to Canada’s Freedom movement.

And in case you’d like a bit more notice for next time, in case you missed the Notices of Liability Call last Friday we’ll be hosting the next part of that meeting (Notices & Liability) this coming Thursday at 5:55pm EST and you’re welcome to join what is becoming an incredible panel of PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United.

I’ve got a lot to do before tonight’s calls (like making room on my computer) so I’ll be glad to see you on one of the calls or in the PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Meetup group where I post events of significance you can attend in common unity with others who value being free on all levels and are willing to actively exercise our right to experience and express ourselves as we see fit.

It is time to stop playing dumb which means “temporarily unable or unwilling to speak.”

Let us consciously choose which side of the freedom spectrum we are willing to live at for we can be free or we can play dumb.

The choice is yours and so will be the consequences so may you choose from an empowered position of knowing what you stand for, and who stands with you, so that you do not risk falling for just anything, especially if doing so could cause you harm!

With love,

Laura JeH

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