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25/33: Musical Collaboration, Lawfully Organized & Studies Of The Human Aura!!!

What a week it has been since the last Lawfully Organized Summit or the start of reading “The Green Book” by Muammar al-Qaddafi aloud to my channel!?

A lot has happening including a Summit that detailed a creative project I am collaborating on with Mad Hatters Music and other artists from around the world. I followed up with the participants this morning and so instead of writing another message I’m going to share the one that I sent the ones who have already raised their hand and expressed interest in being apart of this project.

If you are a musician or would like to be then you could potentially be selected to be one of the 22 songs in a compilation CD geared around the Sacred Sojourn of the Soul that I’ve been obsessed with from nearly four years.

What is so beautiful to me is to now see how it’s all playing out in the scheme of things!

QUICK SIDE NOTE: Today is the PIWU Lawfully Organized Summit with Jacquie Phoenix at 4pm EST

Meeting ID: 972 0540 1832
Passcode: PEACE

If you’d like to learn about “The Human Aura: How To Activate & Energize Your Aura and Chakras” then you can also join in to that Book Study at 7pm EST where I’ll narrate Kuthumi’s PART ONE over the next few Thursday reading hours. To join in that call:

Meeting ID: 963 0691 9045
Passcode: PEACE

I hope you can join on of these calls and also enjoy the details you find in this email:

Hello amazing artists!

What an incredible thing we are putting together by uniting in the name of harmoniously sharing our story through song!

The story we are collectively aiming to tell is one that features our own life experience so Jared and I are adding an extra layer into this concept so that we can make it a compilation CD of artist’s stories, told about how you overcame something and how it made you stronger, and maybe even how you didn’t think you were going to make it at times but you’re grateful that you kept going!

In the Summit I mentioned 1min snippets to be featured and what I meant by that is that in the summits between now (Feb 9, 23 Mar 9, 23) and April 2nd’s deadline we will feature snippets of submitted songs with artist intros and would love to ask for something vulnerable and powerful that could help someone where you were even just two years ago.

Would you please share some of your story in a brief bio (500 words-ish) with your song submission; we’d like to have you introduce yourself and what this song meant to you in writing and performing it, and when you first performed the original or penned the draft. That way we can learn some of each person’s story as we listen to a 1min clip of them during a midway dance party for a 5minute break. It’s a way to move according to our own grove as part of the integration and embodiment process as we bring all of these songs together.

What I’d love to do is turn this process into one of moving through the Sacred Sojourn of Creation as we bring this CD into being and in the process form a community of uplifters and creative encouragers.

If everyone would reply to me personally with the song you’d like to feature and your bio with the story behind the song I’d love to start that in the upcoming Summit on February 9 at 3:30pm EST – we hope you’ll be able to attend!

As I mentioned in the last one, I am now running Sacred Self-Compassion Services on Sundays at 10:10am EST and like to play a song just after 10am before the service begins so we can dance to get in the grove of the moment before the Service and would like to feature some of the songs submitted in this preliminary round as part of a dance party to give it all extra significance.

This Sunday (Feb 31) we’ll be diving into “The Basic Tools” in “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron where I’ll read to you that chapter and elaborate on certain ideas for how to best prepare for this 12 week course on rediscovering your inner artist as we all challenge ourselves to dig deeper (as Brene Brown says). Brene’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” is one I need to restock in my library as I gave away my copy at the airport on my way home from Arizona the last time I visited to a man who needed it more than I did. For that’s what books, songs, and art is ultimately about.

Spreading joy in the moment someone needs something tangible to hold onto.

It has been such a pleasure connecting with each of you on the calls that have happened thus far and I want to thank you for your patience in my getting this meeting up for you to enjoy:

Also, if I’ve failed to respond to a message over the past few months I have been doing my best to keep up which isn’t always perfect but I have finally organized my files and I can’t even tell you how good that feels to finally have everything in one place to get sorted and organized so it can be used!? I would highly, highly recommend it and say I believe I’ll be able to do much better now so please do try again! Reach out again and let’s connect about your song, story or mission in life as I’ve got a PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United podcast and love to feature Warriors who are fighting for something they believe in!

Grateful for this chance to connect with you!

Jared and I were also discussing mode of delivery and while a CD is tangible and gives people something to hold onto so that will be one aspect of this project, I am also feeling inclined toward Spotify with a group listen experience challenge of sorts or something fun to send people to our music and potentially get us sponsorships in the process!

Let’s help all of us gain more traction on our songs by banding together – the earlier you submit the sooner you can secure yourself a spot on the album and get in on the fun! As mentioned we’re looking for 22 songs from different artists so that we can all promote one another and still be promoting ourselves in the process! It’s all about win win scenarios and I’m grateful to be experiencing this vision come together with each of you!

Thank you again for making the time to be part of this or letting us know you weren’t able to make it yesterday! We’re building something pretty magickal so hope you can make it to the next one and look forward to seeing what comes in the mean time!

We really can be the change we seek in this world, so let’s be it!

PS. Send song submissions to – he will keep a running log of submissions and we will feature them in Summits and Services 🙂

Laura JE Hamilton
Guiding Soulfull Seekers Home To Themselves

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