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28/33: The Johari Window & PIWU Lawfully Organized Summit *THURS @4pm EST*

I hope this message finds you well after a two week break where a lot occurred, I met someone special I’ve been helping move over the last week, and I got more clear about what I’m willing to keep doing and what needs to change, stop or start happening as I move forward with my life.
If you look up “The Johari Window” you’ll see four connected squares, each one labelled 1. stop doing 2. start doing 3. change doing 4. continue and can fill them yourself for added clarity in your life.
Apply this to your behaviours and find it a simple yet profoundly practical exercise, as many of the best are.
Last month, the reality of where we’re at as a collective set in when I was forced into an unpaid leave of absence (LOA) effective at the end of that shift on January 15, 2021. Yesterday I filed a grievance and renewed my LOA, just to stay in the game.
What Loblaws didn’t make clear when I was made to sign the paperwork under duress, hence I added three dots before my signature to show cohersion to sign against my will, is that a LOA must be resubmitted every 30 days and is only good for 30 days. Had another colleague not told me about this, I would have thought I was on an LOA until restrictions lifted – which they won’t unless we force them too – but I can’t imagine how many other people are in that boat and don’t even realize it.
It’s what makes my advocacy work with Article 61 under the 1215 Magna Carta even more important to me, as it holds the individuals choosing to uphold these treasonous measures to account for their choice to sell out those advocating for what is right, like myself and those who come each week to be part of the conversation and to get their questions answered or updates shared.
Tomorrow, Thursday Feb 18 at 4pm EST we will be gathering for the next PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Lawfully Organized Summit and I am encouraging everyone willing to consider this peace-full and lawful option to come so that we can get our questions answered to the point where we can move forward together with greater confidence as the sovereign beings we are.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 996 4922 3988

Passcode: PEACE

I’ll be interviewing Michael Seegers for the next episode of The Michael & Laura Show at 2pm as well, before the next PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United podcast episode with Dan van der Wolf at 7pm EST where we’ll be walking down the spiritual path of mystics of the past with ones of the present.
Hoping you can join us and look forward to sharing what I’m putting together soon!
Much love,
Laura JEH – Namaste

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