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30/33: Let Us Dream A New Dream Together at 4pm EST

Have you ever fallen in love with being yourself?
I’m grateful to be having those moments a lot recently but that’s because I’ve stayed true to myself and the quest I’ve always been on for truth, and in turn my Soul has kept me curious and asking questions. I didn’t realize that many have become too numb to even think of what they want to know more about and yet I’ve learned more than many people would even care to forget and so I want to start unpacking that.
We’re gathering at 4pm EST for the PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United (PIWU) Lawfully Organized Summit where we will talk about Article 61 and the interview Chantal Matheson and I did with Steven Martin yesterday that knocked both of our socks off because it’s a man standing up for himself as a sovereign being, already making waves because he is willing to take a stand as we are all being called to.
In fact on Monday I went into the court house with my friend Phil, both of us unmasked, and I recorded our denial of service on discriminatory grounds without saying anything yet because I really wanted to just observe.
And now that I have done so, and recorded my conversation with a court house operator earlier today too, I feel empowered to take a stand for my freedoms and rights on behalf of all of us because I am that power-full and so are you!
We have been trained not to re-member this because it would disrupt the power dynamics of the modern Matrix we are living in but now it is time for us to take our power back and use the ‘power of numbers’ to work for us, but first we must get ourselves organized.
I am uploading a fun invite to the PIWU Lawfully Organized Summit at 4pm now to YouTube that I am looking forward to rewatching because it’s beautiful, if I don’t say so myself. And that’s the thing. If I won’t say it about or for myself, then how can I expect anyone else to do it for me without my telling them what I’m hoping for? It doesn’t make sense to me, like so much in this life.
And yet that’s what keeps me asking questions and Socrates said that the quality of a person’s life will be a direct reflection of the quality of questions they are willing to ask, of both themselves and others.
It is time to start asking better questions about how to be part of the change you seek in this world, and let us dream a new dream together with the tools that we’ve been given to be able to do so!
If you’re available at 4pm EST jump on the zoom call by clicking here or using the meeting details in app:

Meeting ID: 951 3042 4370

Passcode: PEACE

Really looking forward to today because a lot happened this week to influence my perspective to get there and that’s something that I want to share today on the Summit but I’ve got less than two hours to pull it all, and myself, together so I’m going to get on that now and say I hope to see you there!


Laura JEH – Namaste

PS. Just as I was about to send this I realized the video I recorded on my way home this afternoon had just become available so here you go 😉 I hope you enjoy the song and fun that comes with being in the flow intentionally and harmoniously!

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