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Day 23: INNER Child PEACE Summit + Pace Yourself

I had yesterday off and I enjoyed it.

Uploaded the whole INNER Child PEACE Summit to YouTube so you can watch it in 3 parts too:

Part One: Tim Wheatley’s presentation of the process for supporting your INNER child to change and transform.

Part Two: An introduction to the survival archetypes and a guided visualization through the INNER Kingdom of your inner world, plus a poem written and read by Valerie McKnighten.

Part Three: Discussion about cultural connections to and conflicts in the inner work we’re being called to do now.

I’ll have better descriptors once I’ve had a chance to slow down and take more in but right now I feel like I’m just doing my best to keep the stream flowing with insights from other thought leaders who have been down rabbit holes most people don’t have time to venture down and yet they have devoted their lives to.

Friday night I interviewed Bishop Larry Gaiters for the 5th podcast episode of PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United and we’ll be hosting Part Two of “The Spiritual Roots of Sickness and Disease” this Friday November 13 at 2pm EST. Join us on FB Live if you’re able!

I’m working on editing Friday’s show now and wanted to make today’s message about pacing yourself.

It’s about giving yourself permission to let enough be as good as a feast and be willing to release what you’ve done to make space for what can be.

It’s a powerful lesson I have to remind myself of regularly, especially with how much content I come into contact with and produce in my own messages as a result, but it’s one that will serve us in all aspects of our lives for how it gives us permission to decide we are enough.

If you’ve been struggling to say ‘good enough’ about something you want to share with the world I would encourage you to make a final review of it from the perspective of who you were two years ago and get it out there. Business consultants often recommend your ‘two-years ago self’ as a great target niche because you can relate to where they are and also share the path you took to climb higher in the mean time.

Your path doesn’t need to have been perfect to be impactful, it just has to be walked honestly. For if you try to spiritually bypass any of the steps along the way, as I say in Part 3 of the Summit, you may find yourself going through them backward as I did last year.

Live and learn, grow, and plant more seeds in the hearts of those who look to you for inspiration while also tending to the garden of your own mind and creation.

We’re all walking ourselves home to our heart centre and we’re alive together now because we’re meant to support each other in that process. If you’re still reading this then thank you for walking with me – it’s an honour to share the journey!

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. The missed days have been forgiven by the human part of me that sees how much I’ve been doing and how hard I’ve been pushing myself to do as much as I have been. The higher self version of me understands the need for it and continues to drive me in the direction of my purpose, introducing me to new ideas and people to stretch and grow me into who the next moment requires. I am you – salute!

Comments (2)

🙂 love your site

Thanks Angela! Appreciate the love and support and send it back to you amplified for the momentum 😉

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