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Day 24: Tipping Points, Calls To Stand & Spiritual Roots To E-Veil

I wrote a blog yesterday before I needed to get to Toronto which I wrote about in the blog, but I made a fatal mistake where speed is concerned.

I referenced a report I wrote back in 2012 about chemical nasties in commonly-used baby products that I wanted to link in so wrote the blog as if I could. But because I couldn’t and I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it, I haven’t got a message out today yet either… potentially two days in a row – eesh! No way!

Here’s to saying I recorded a message, in the form of a song, earlier tonight that you’re invited to check out regarding the tipping points in collective consciousness that we have a chance to reach by first mastering ourselves. Check it out here.

At the time I wrote that report I was actively involved with an organic skincare company I loved while living in England and learned a lot from! They introduced me to the tip of the iceberg of conspiracy theories that actually have a lot of credibility that we’re now starting to see more of on the public stage now.

I am grateful for all the paths I’ve ventured down to grab what pieces of information my soul needed to reach the next levels of awareness to bring me to the present with a different view of what we’re now facing than I would have had were it not for the shattering experiences that got me here.

The report is full of valuable facts and information so I’ll turn it into a blog post of its own but hadn’t got clear on the best way forward until right now.

We are all doing our best to figure things out with the limited awareness that we have as of the moment we make the decision to act or not to act. For that is truly the opportunity we are posed with right now.

The time is coming for you to summon your warrior instincts and I’m glad to have you on the same side, realizing that when black and red ants live together in a jar they coexist in harmony until the jar gets shook at which point they start attacking each other. Let us be willing to realize that we may just be ants in a jar but instead of doing what we’ve always done and attacking each other, why not ask who is shaking the jar?

What doesn’t seem to be getting talked about is the fact that we are the people in the positions of power that are reinforcing rules for an agenda that will see us all become slaves if we don’t step up.

I’ll send tomorrow’s message out bright and early to get back on track and to also let you know I get sidetracked too but this time I refuse to be derailed. We are powerful when we take our power back and we are each being called to do so one action at a time.

Back on track, like a missile that is off-course 99% of the time but that continually refocuses and generally reaches its destination in the end.

Let’s keep building the web of interconnection and awaken those who haven’t ventured where we have!

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. If you didn’t notice the podcast episode I recorded with Bishop Larry Gaiters on “The Spiritual Roots of Sickness and Dis-ease” you can click through to it here. An excellent dive into many significant rabbit holes!

PPS. Bishop Larry Gaiters and I will be going live again on Friday November 13 at 2pm EST and will stream the show to Facebook, with the meeting posted to YouTube later, post-editing. We’re continuing our call on the same topic. Hope you can join us and if you want the Zoom link just reply to say so!

PPPS. I got distracted on YouTube listening to Hallelujah by Pentatonix when I went searching for the link so I’m sharing that song too incase you need a reminder of the beauty of mastery. What a beautiful song and group, eh!?

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