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Day 32: Chapter One & Summit TODAY 4-6pm (on Zoom)

I’ve been “writing a book” for 3.5 years now and it sent me to a mental institution last year as I often share.

I learned a lot about myself in the process of getting fully committed which is punny because the title of the book had come to me more than a year before when I didn’t know that I could fully commit to it. The title was and will be “F.U.L.L.Y. Committed” because it’s the book that rewrote me before the world got to see the version life moulded me into as the artist and author of the tale you will now read.

Instead of holding back the whole of it for the grand reveal all at once, which takes time to work through anyway, I have routinely advised clients and non-clients alike to simply write their book as a series of emails, and yet while I’ve always intended to do that there was a part of me that was hesitant to fully commit.

Being a 33 year old woman who has never been married and actively endeavoured to never get pregnant despite losing my virginity a week before I turned 17, it dawned on me a few years ago that I might have commitment issues.

The truth is, I had insecurity issues that prevented me from fully committing to what I was being shown through the information, people and opportunities that came my way over the years. And what I know for sure is that while I wasn’t prepared to fully commit to doing what I’ll now do with the remaining days of this 66 Days to Transform Your Self-Image series before, I’m ready, willing and able to do it now and so here we go!

Consider this your aforementioned warning that each day you’ll receive a chapter of my book and at the end I’ll scramble the chapters and submit them as my completed work. The summation of information I want bundled together in order to help other Soulfull Seekers going through the Sacred Sojourn of life as a spiritual being having a human experience, re-membering our Godly nature.

I’m going to offer you the very best I have discovered until now just to ensure you have access to the tools that will support you through the transformation of your own identity, as systems around us collapse and we have to discover a new way of life and being.

War is not the answer and yet we are already in an unspoken one. And I’d even dare to say the Nuclear war warnings my Dad’s generation grew up on when bomb drills were common practice, what we weren’t expecting was for it to show up in the form of mind control.

John Flaherty in “Addiction Unplugged: How to be free” says “Those first 7 years are known as the imprint years. It is the period in which you began to forget to re-member your true essence, replacing it instead with the made-up ‘self’ you learned to create about you. As you were being shown how to do life you forgot to remember how to be it and you have been living this upside-down version of life ever since.”

The Nuclear War I have come to believe is a combination of the bio-weaponry of 5G that has been installed all over during the lockdown as ‘essential service’ to further Agenda 2030 (look that one up for yourself, under the guise of a Sustainability Act designed to save Earth’s resources for the few at the expense of the many) and the nuclear family model when exercised by traumatized people who have learned to get attention through drama, trauma, conflict and negativity.

I believe it is time for us to realize that life is about achieving self-mastery and our inner children and parental team are key players in the Chess game of life that we’re here to grow from playing.

Our souls are the chosen ones for this particular mission here on Planet Earth and I believe it’s time for us to unite in the name of peace, joy, love, freedom and wisdom.

To whomever much is given much is required and I have been blessed to have been given a lot throughout my life, so I’m doing my best to share the blessings in a different current-see than money.

I choose to contribute to huEmanity through loving acts of authentic presence.

Michael Seegers mentioned ‘authentic presence’ in the recent interview we did which I’ve been having issues uploading so will have up on YouTube as soon as I can. I love the combination as for years I’ve said the A in my acronym for P.E.A.C.E. is Authenticity, but Authentic Presence is so much more power-full than even that alone!

We’ll be practicing Authentic Presence today from 4-6pm EST when Tim Wheatley and I cohost the INNER Child PEACE Summit where we’ll focus on emotional awareness and responsible self-parenting. If you’re able to join us LIVE on video I’ll be sending the Zoom link 20min before the call so just make sure you’ve downloaded the Zoom app on your listening device if you haven’t already.

I am beyond grateful to be alive at this time in our history as a one people who came together as never before like we have a chance to do now and in my heart of hearts I believe that we can only win this by mastering ourselves. We’ll share some tips for doing so on the recorded call so join us live or listen live on Facebook where we’ll be streaming shortly.

Excited for what this has the potential to become!

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. Please share this invitation with friends you know could use the support right now. The recording will also get published to YouTube after so tune in however works best for you, no pressure! Enjoy your day in the mean time!

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