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Day 64: Life Works In Miraculous Ways For It Is A Journey Inward

Life is a journey meant to teach us about joy, peace, love, knowledge, empowerment and freedom which are pinnacle states of consciousness.

What we have not been taught is that consciousness reflects levels of emotional awareness and willingness to look at life differently.

If we get too attached to how things show up we start to try to control it and it becomes like water in a clenched fist that holds less in the end than the open palm that patiently held itself open to the hurt and abuse that life calls forth for us to experience in hopes of capturing the beauty of the moment and changing its course.

Love breaks us open and fear closes us up.

Love is expansive while fear is contracting and stiffling.

Love exists everywhere that fear has not overshadowed it.

Love is all there is and in the end, love is light.

Light is information, and we are highly sensitive beings interpreting our environment and all of the stimulating bits of data that come across our desk, so to speak, in life and the more Gaia evolves the more we are being bombarded with.

Love requires risk and there are no guarantees as fear would have you prepare for.

But love always wins in the end if we’ll let it and training is a great way to help that happen.

In January 2021 I’ll be introducing the P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L.L. I.N.N.E.R. Warriors’ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Practice that honours your whole cell-F and intentionally helps you shift out of False Evidence Appearing Real into faith which is the path of a mystic without a monastery as Caroline Myss convincingly shared at one of three of her events that I attended to get myself closer to someone I knew could help me grow. Her works “Anatomy of the Spirit”, “Sacred Contracts”, and “Entering the Castle” have been hugely influential in expanding my awareness and I’d highly recommend securing yourself a copy of each.

I may add these texts to my book study list for the year ahead as I spend time planning the months ahead in these final days of the craziest year of our collective experience.

I’ve devoted myself to my personal growth through the last decade and while I didn’t always manage to get it right, I learned many tricks, tips and strategies that I’m happy to share from my own experience and also from the journey of people I respect and feel have real value to offer you too. Michael Seegers has been a hugely influential character in the last year since we were introduced and The Michael & Laura Show was the result of that introduction.

Life works in miraculous ways if we are willing to find the lesson in it, as I share in the message I recorded while driving to see my Mom and Steve that is now posted to YouTube as the main message for today.

Sometimes it’s easier to record yourself delivering a message than to script that whole message out before reading it out loud as practice and potentially getting it wrong.

I have surrendered the need to get it right all the time and go where life takes me instead, paying attention to the signs, symbols, omens and symbolism that crosses my path while verbalizing my interpretation of the things I notice while doing what I would be doing anyway. In this case it was driving to have Christ-mass with Mom and Steve, having posted an earlier video from the drive on IGTV where I sang my heart out as I often do. You can see that here if you dare/care.

I feel like the main character in Paulo Coelho’s masterpiece “The Alchemist: A Fable about Following Your Dream” which I started reading in the spring and will finish the final 55 pages to tomorrow in a live reading at 10am EST on YouTube. Tune in live and share in the fun while also gaining insights to wisdom right there for you to access! Click through to the link for the last segment here.

We’re in the final days of the series that transformed me and the year that changed life as we knew it into life as we’ll know it. Which is why now is the time for us to dream a new dream together and become alchemists of our own world and the one we share!

Love wished your way until tomorrow,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. I know I’m cutting it close to the deadline of midnight for this message, but so far as I’m concerned I made it within the 24hour lottery of today and I’m now just 2 messages away from fulfilling my commitment of an email message per day for 66 days so I am honouring myself as I hopefully do the same for you by completing the process for myself. I’d love to know what my messages mean to you as well and also as to whether you can be part of the Design Your SPECIAL Practice program. More details to come tomorrow at 10!

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