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Day 65: Overdue Is Often Perfectly On Time

I can only imagine the elation an expectant mother would have at the countdown to her baby’s due date.
I can’t imagine the frustration at then having to wait for two extra weeks beyond it because neither of her children were quite ready to face the world when the Doctor said we would be like my Mom had to do for both my brother and I. Each weighing 9lb (me) and 9.13lb (my brother) but at least we weren’t as big as her little brother, who weighed close to 13lb when he came out naturally!!! I can’t imagine…
And yet in a way I feel like the book I so often reference was like the overdue child that I’ve been trying to push out for 3.5years without letting enough be as good as a feast. And also not appreciating that this 66 day transformation needed to take place before I became the one who did it, because truly if you want something done give it to a busy person.
The Universe loves speed.
I performed in a play by that name – Enough Is As Good As A Feast – for one of my English classes at McMaster University back in 2009 when I had a dream to be an author, speaker, world traveller and leader as a ‘life coach’ but no idea how to make it happen.
I was born to a self-made family of farmers from Norfolk & Oxford Counties in Ontario, Canada back in 1987 when the war was still close enough in mind to be feared but revered as a bad distant memory not to be repeated. But now 30+ years later we have let complacence lead us into contempt and it is time to take our power back.
To fight this war on terror we must take control of our programming and intentionally design a SPECIAL Practice that honours our whole selves like we will be doing in the New Year. Click here to let me know you want to be on the invite list for that when it’s ready in the coming days!
It’s been a pretty significant day for me considering I finished reading the final 55 pages of “The Alchemist” by Paolo Choelo as my first live book reading experiment – I’d love to know what you thought of it as I’m going to be doing the next in January!
I’m planning to go through “The 4 Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Guide” by Don Miguel Ruiz in January as part of the PEACEFULL INNER Warrior’s SPECIAL Practice formula which I’ll be laying out with the help of friends in the new year.
Tomorrow, December 29 at 10am EST Michael Seegers and I will be getting a head start on it by coming together for the next episode of The Michael & Laura Show where we’ll dive into the causal body and the electronic belt where our unqualified karma gets stored if we don’t deal with it while we’re alive.
Saturday January 2, 2021 @ 7pm EST marks the first beginners class of the New Year where Michael will guide new students to the path of ascension through the energetic principles that make up the foundational lessons of living at a higher level of the human experience. It will take place at 7pm EST live on MIXLR so be sure to set up your own account using the virtual tour I just posted from when I recently set up my own accounts on Mixlr and The Shambhala Temple of Light website.
Then join my fellow John Maxwell Team member coach, teacher and speaker Kip Brooks and I in the first PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Summit of 2021 where we’ll be discussing the topic of Legacy. It will take place Tuesday January 5 at 7pm until approximately 8:30 EST if you’re able to join us live – it will be streamed to Facebook and YouTube alike. If you’re able and willing to actively participate in the Summit live then you’ll also be able to share the replay with friends and see you got yourself in the room for the making of the newly ordered world we are reassembling right now during the chaotic period of history we are currently living contributing to.
I am excited to finally believe in myself to actually do what has been on my heart for years to do I just didn’t know how and let that stop me for a long time. But in the end it was the perfect amount of time because I just got here, and you’re at that same crossroad of choice with me, as we decide whether we would rather be free or enjoy the illusion of it by making fear our mistress.
It’s our life so we get to choose. And if we can choose absolutely anything why not choose love instead of fear?
It’s your life so choose wisely. You only get to experience this one once in the now.
Play well until tomorrow my friend,
Laura JeH – Namaste
PS. You can only imagine how excited I am to be finishing the final day of a long series!!! But the funny thing is that days before it ended I recommitted myself to the SPECIAL Practice program to help soulfull seekers design a sacred practice to guide them through these scary times. I guess I kinda like it more than I thought. I’ll share more in the final day of this series!!!! 😀

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