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Day 66: Finally Made It To A New Level Of Being

What a year 2020 has been for each of us in so many ways!

It has helped reveal how fear is a mistress that lures the heart from its dream by placing doubts and limitations on possibilities due to the apparently unfamiliar.

I encounter resistance to the non-mainstream narratives I often reference because I’ve discovered so much information about what’s really happening that I could probably write the most interesting narrative of what is happening now from a multidimensional perspective, and so I am going to do exactly in the month of January where I will guide you through a 33 day series to design your legacy alongside many other soulfull seekers from around the world.

As I share in the video that semi-inspired this message, we’ve got to be willing to try.

That message was also one Michael Seegers shared in one of the latest episodes in the Michael & Laura Show that I hope you’ve been catching because it’s incredibly well done, if I don’t say so myself.

Sometimes we just have to be willing to be our own biggest cheerleader, because if not us then who?

When we get disappointed by someone we never expected to betray us in the way things go down it can be hard to forgive, but we must and we will because we are bigger than our problems and we know that we are never given more than we can handle.

No matter how bad it gets, and it could get pretty bad for a while potentially as the old order collapses, we must remember that our souls are strong enough to handle it because we are here and we wouldn’t have been one of the chosen ones if we weren’t meant to play our part. It’s just that we must figure out our role in the ultimate narrative of this time in HuEmanity’s history and dare I say we have a response-ability to make it great again.

More than a slogan used in a campaign, it’s a way of life and duty to huEmanity with an extra E for the E-nergetic resources we are called to deploy more intentionally.

We must remember how to return to our Divine nature and song has been a significant thing for me over the last couple years, especially after all the DMT ceremonies I did last year that really pierced through the veils of the Uni-verse and unravelled me while my life imploded in completely unexpected ways.

It was an absolute shit show if I’m honest and it was hard to keep it all together, but I managed to get through with the help of family and friends and am grateful to each of them for their role in my becoming more fully me! I’m sorry for all the mess along the way.

The journey home to our heart center is about reintegrating our inner children from all the not-now moments we banished aspects of our personality from the ‘good enough’ list. Redefining our legacy is a key piece in that puzzle.

Kip Brooks and I will be cohosting the next PEACEFULL INNER Warriors Summit on January 5 at 7pm EST and we’d love to have you on the Zoom call – call details will be emailed to those subscribed at so be sure to leave your details and you’ll get to participate in the creation of your own SPECIAL Practice with me live!!

I’ll be sending out a 33 Days to Dream A New Dream Into REALITY series starting by the New Year and I’m looking forward to helping us both develop a SPECIAL Practice we are willing to commit to. Let me know what you think about that invitation by leaving a comment on one of your favourite videos so I can see the kind of messages you care about and why – it gives me context, insight and inspiration.

Thank you to all who have helped me lead the dream life that I have as well. I feel very blessed to have had the life I have!

Huge year end blessings and will come to you with a releasing ceremony message tomorrow as with the close of this chapter, a new one awaits.

Life doesn’t stop for anyone, it just continues on and we’re either showing up or letting life pass us by, and that’s on us. We came to this Earth school to learn and grow ourselves as multidimensional beings so let’s start acting like it by developing ourselves on all levels – emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, sexual, sensual, intuitive, energetic – O yes, we are so much more than we’ve been taught.

I’ve found out a lot and will be sharing it in the coming series.

This one had to bring me to the place of being able to write that one so know that even though we may feel like we’re moving slow sometimes, we’re actually perfectly on time for what we could handle and that’s a gift in itself. We are never given more than we can handle so have faith in yourself by gaining access to deeper truths that make life make a bit more sense!

Much love,

Laura JEH – Namaste

PS. I’m so grateful to have finally finished this goal that I might take a day off just to celebrate with setting another obligation aside because I conquered it, but I’m undecided. I guess you’ll see if you’re subscribed to my email series tomorrow. Very excited to be sharing this teaching with the world! Blessings!


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