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Happy New Year This Year Of 2022!!! Recovering A Sense Of Faith

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It’s the beginning of a new year and I rang it in with my friend Neil Sperling as I got caught up on what he’s been working on over the past year.  It was time to pay respect where attention was due so I figured what better way than to watch the four part series Neil made to help #endhumantrafficking, and the neighbour even had a first class firework show I’m grateful to have been so near to see and share.

With the legal situation 2021 brought my way what I have come to see is how we truly are all slaves to an invisible system of gestalts that we give our power to until we break up with the pattern and evolve ourselves and our emotionality.

Our emotions are tools that are meant to serve us and what I love is that last year I hosted weekly Sacred Self Compassion Services for the first six months and read through Julia Cameron’s workbook called “The Artist’s Way: Recovering and Discovering the Artist Within.”

Each week this month I’m going to share a chapter reading from last year so you have a chance to go over the chapter.

To start the year we’re leaping off with the final chapter: Recovering A Sense Of Faith which actually started with “The Story Of Your Soul” by Elizabeth Claire Prophet.

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I want to work together this year to remember just how significant we are to the bigger picture if we’re willing to see our worth!

It’s important to me that you remember just how important you are to the overall story that is being written by the tapestry of our interconnectedness.

I’m going to continue doing my best reading a Chapter of Joy Riding The Universe each day this year and wanted to share the first chapter called “The Old Bored Gods” which I read on Christmas Eve last year, for today marks the start of a new day!

I believe that both of these readings will be useful as you step into your new year with the ability to choose whether to create or to react to the energies in motion that show up in a similar fashion to how we have in the past.

It is time to evolve ourselves and our emotional responses to triggering situations and not throw one another out just because things are complicated or difficult as we may have tried to do in the past before we realized just how much we’d miss it if we followed through on severing a connection just because our expectations were creating disappointments in our concept of it.

It’s time to get clear on the expectations we have for ourselves and others in the creative process we’re willing to give our attention to.

Yes we can use the past things we’ve enjoyed as context for “this or something better” and use the contrast to get clear on what the gap taught you that you do want instead of that which you’re now clear you don’t want to experience again.

That’s really what life is all about: getting clear on what you desire.

And so my wish is for us all to realize our responsibility to be the conscious cocreators of the life we are living as the ones we’ve been waiting for. Yes, you are!

We’ll be digging into that this year so get read to joy ride the Uni-verse, one chapter a day LIVE!

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. You can keep track of all the Joy Riding The Universe chapter readings through this blog here.

Joy Riding The Universe: Let The Journey Inward Begin

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