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January 2022: Schedule & Last Min Workshop Announcement

2022 is going to be whatever we decide for it to be so let us make it great!

I’m offering a series of chapters readings from “Joy Riding the Universe” by Sheradon Bryce (daily) and “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron (weekly). Sign up for emails with the signup box so you get details as they come out!

We are also going to gather in common unity online and in person should we happen to assemble at the same point at the stated time on any of these occassions where I’ll be making a public appearance while reserving my right to remain in my private capacity which I’d like to share with you the importance off starting tomorrow:

January 7 @ 10:10am EST – What Is A Bondservant or Bondslave? RESPECT Is @ The Foundation of Slavery (ZOOM)

January 10 @ 8pm – The Kingdom Is Within SUMMIT #2 (ZOOM)

January 12 @ 8pm – Mental Health SUMMIT with Jared Wade and Laura JeH (ZOOM)

January 16 @ 2-4pm in PORT DOVER  (Ontario) @ the Pier: we’ll use the benches to do some peer to peer support on the pier.

*We will be doing professional videoing as part of the documentary this experience is a component of about how we harmonized hue-manity by coming together at a time when we were told to act against our inherent nature.

January 17 @ 8pm EST (ZOOM) “The Kingdom Is Within: An MK Ultra SPECIAL.”

January 22 @ 12pm EST (ZOOM) – Album 22.2 Monthly Meetup – Building Up to July 2022 Release

January 29 @ 2-4pm in Queen’s Park, Toronto – Lawfull assembly of men and women tired of impositions intruding on your ability to lawfully self-govern yourself without interference, which is your lawfull right. Let’s make sure you’re protected and understand what it means to live in the private instead of the public, even if you occassionally move through the public sphere.

*Professional videographers will be present for this event as well. If anyone is an amateur videographer or photographer, please reach out to volunteer your services and we may be able to create a mentorship experience for you to learn more skills. Emails can be sent to

The video footage is meant to be part of a documentary I believe will give people hope and help to harmonize hue-manity by seeing how division has been used as a weapon within ourselves.

We need a blueprint to grow into or live into and that’s what our self-image is.

That is why we are embarking on this journey of transformation together!

Also, I’d like to do a group cover song experience singing “Read All About It” by Emelie Sandi – I’m going to bring a couple sheets with the lyrics on it!!! Let’s give it a try and let’s create the experience we want to tell tales of in the days to come!!

That would be an awesome contribution to the Album 22.2 experience we’re currently putting together as another way to inspire hope, courage, willfullness and excitement in the hearts of those warriors who now officially have a cause to get behind.

Hope you’ll join in any of the events coming up in the remainder of this first month of an exceptional year of transformation and change and will look forward to seeing you there!

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I’m hoping you’ll find something being offered that strikes your fancy in the coming month!

With love,

Laura JeH & PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United

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