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The Journey To Empowerment: More Videos For You Ready!!! DAY 31 of 66

holy crap, i'm batman!

Well today’s the day! It’s finally time to guide some fabulous women through the Hero’s Journey to Empowerment.

What’s most exciting to me is the fact that I get to unveil what I’ve been working on for 1.5 years and it’s not just in front of a camera, which has become my easiest and favourite way to communicate with people who are hungry for the uplifting messages I share.

That’s my intention because I think too many of us are focused on our problems instead of our beingness.

We live in an abundant world that gives us as much of what we’re willing to ask for as what we’re willing to ask for.

We take it to the extreme and often focus on what we don’t want when that only gets us more of what we don’t want.

Yesterday I made a lot of noise because I was really feeling in the flow.

Today I’ll be making more noise but it’ll be with women who invested in themselves to get themselves in the room with other women who want to connect with other women and connect with the heart of who they authentically are.

That’s what today’s workshop in London, Ontario is going to be and it kicks off at 1pm ET.

If you want to be in this room please shoot me a message and meet us at Unity of London at 1pm – we’ll be getting started by 1:20pm no exceptions, if not drastically closer to the top of the hour because we want to honour those who are willing to invest in themselves so arrive on time ready to learn, grow, move and laugh. Often we want to wait for others to make it worthwhile for us to get started but then we must realize that actually, the ones who showed up on time are being dishonoured in the process of waiting for more.

‘More’ is an obsession that we have become consumed by and that will consume us if we’re not more conscientious about where we’re investing our Time, Energy, Effort, Attention and Money, and what kind of systems we’re willing to put in place to support us.

With it being a weekend in most people’s mind, this is a great time to reset with the Full Moon in Gemini that just occurred last night – Thursday night’s moon was pretty epic so I’m sure Friday’s will be too, I just wrote this before heading off for a fun night so will have to report back later how it actually was.

Life is about learning to bask in the smallness of every day and about learning to bring ourselves up instead of tearing ourselves down when we notice something not quite right. I’m noticing the pain in the world around me and this is my effort to stand up and be counted.

My YouTube channel is getting a lot of action nowadays so be sure to subscribe, share and select something from one of them that will help you in becoming just 1% better today than you were before. As small as it seems, it’s the progressive realization of a goal that turns us into the kind of person that can have what it is that we desire for ourselves.

Can’t wait to hear from you what this message means to and for you! Comment below and check out this message I posted yesterday once you have!

Much love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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