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1/55: Becoming A PEACEFULL INNER Warrior United We Stand Sovereign Supreme

Happy third day of the third month of this ’21 year’.


It’s clear that history is being written for us, by us or about us. So why not make it a combination of all three?


Today is the first day I am free to not think about the 33 Days to Dream a New Dream series that I finished yesterday, in more than 33 days might I add, but the point is this.


This is a ‘free day’ where I don’t have anything expected of me or required where a daily message is concerned and yet I feel the pressure to start something new so that I can keep the pressure on myself because with it comes accountability and response-ability and that is what this world is needing now more than ever before!


55 is Archangel Michael’s number and so I am going to do a near daily message over that period of time to help you become a PEACEFULL INNER Warrior United In The Name Of Truth and I hope you will join me.


We will be creating a SPECIAL Practice that will help you more strategically honour and respect the temple your soul incarnated into, while also considering your heart, mind, spirit and environment in the process.


This is a long time coming and so I look forward to seeing where this series takes me as I go through it with you!


Tomorrow we will gather for another PIWU Lawfully Organized Summit at 4pm EST and I hope you’ll come to learn about Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta and also hear additional perspectives that help us bridge the gap between what used to keep us feeling safely separated from one another, and step more solidly into the pre-sent moment as  the sovereign being that we truly are.


The call in details for that meeting in advance are here too:

Topic: PIWU Lawfully Organized Summit #8

Time: Mar 4, 2021 04:00 PM America/Toronto

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 5269 3795

Passcode: PEACE



What it means to be a sovereign being is an important topic of conversation and one that we’ll be having soon.


In the mean time join us tomorrow to see what comes up then!


Love, Laura JEH – Namaste


PS. If you’d like to see the video I made earlier while I was figuring out what this next project would be, I made this message for you and would love for you to share your feedback in the comments on that video – the feedback is encouraging for both me and others who might like to comment but may be scared to. Thanks!!!

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