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Day 16: Giving Your Old Self A Decent Burial This Samhain

Samhain is a time when the veils between the realms of the visible and invisible are said to be thinner and we have a chance to reset.

The question is “who are you willing to release this Samhain, at summer’s official end, and who are you willing to bring into their place?”
This actually has nothing to do with anyone else either, it’s all about who you are now and who you choose to be moving forward.
It’s the equivalent of a restart and you have a chance to reset your self-image to now include new and intentional habitual patterns that make up the persona you wear in your public, personal and private life. Lord only knows that for some people, those characters are very different between ‘worlds’ while for others the lines get blurred.
I’d like to encourage a reharmonization of these worlds so you can be the same way in public that you are in private. This is something I’ve unintentionally been working on for years and the lack of separation for me is strange to most people. For me, I am who I am wherever I am, no masks or false identities covering anything (on purpose – I still have blind spots I regularly discover too!).
It’s how I’ve choose to be as part of my own reinvention since becoming a certified coach back in 2011 and is part of the revamping of self-image process I’ve been focused on without fully understanding the significance of it. We’ll talk about that soon.
It is a time to reap the rewards of all the seeds sown in the lead up to this inaugural celebration of Winter’s coming and is a night to remember loved ones and honour our ancestors whilst the veils between worlds of the living and dead is thinnest. Remember to give thanks to the versions of you who brought you to this moment too.
Samhain is a time to embrace the magical child within and take time for personal reflection and owning our faults, flaws, strengths and strongholds. It’s a time to find ways to better understand those parts of ourselves others previously tried to constrain; now we can liberate them with guidance and assistance.
Ask yourself how you are either contributing to the development of your inner child or whether you are causing harm to them, and then choose more beneficially.
It is most powerful to perform a divination/tribute to our ancestors the night of Samhain (October 31/November 1) and the offering of our faith, hope and voice is plenty enough – no more bloodshed need be seen if only we are willing to let the dead bury the dead and actually step up to the plate as the leaders we truly are.
It’s a powerful time because it gives us a chance to reinvent ourselves and become one with our new identity, slowly merging with the magical child’s sense of joy and liberation within, without altering our way of being despite our environment.
It’s about learning to let joy dance in every cell of the body again and recognizing the importance of reintroducing the sacred element of ritual and ceremony into our lives. Creating sacred practices together is a powerful form of bonding and connection, and when done in healthy ways can be great without the negative repercussions.
For this reason, I will be cohosting an INNER Child PEACE Summit with Tim Wheatley this coming Thursday November 5 and 19 from 4-6pm EST. There is no charge for these summits because I believe what’s most important right now is for each of us to develop an inner resiliency that will help us withstand the storms that are coming in the days, weeks and months ahead as the American election looms.
Save the date for those Summits and use the power of tonight’s Full Moon at the time of Samhain to release limiting beliefs and dream a bigger dream. Light a small fire to burn away the past and let us step into the future with faith in ourselves and our species. We need you strong and you’ll be able to move with greater ease once you’ve dropped some of the baggage that has served its purpose in your life.
Much love,
Laura JeH – Namaste
PS. If you’re still looking for more thought provoking insights to grow up from the inside and support yourself in creating an environment of inner security, check out the second interview I did with Michael Seegers earlier this week!

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