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Momentum Is Growing: Featured Artist Interviews Inc

Ever have those weeks when you’ve got so much to do you don’t even know where to start?

I have moments like that when I think about everything I’m doing outside of the launch of Album 22 on Thursday July 22 and I wonder how I’m going to get to it all, and then I remember that if I bring that energy into the creative process then I will sow that energy into my own creative signature. So instead I breathe myself back into the moment so I can see what my next step is.

Breaking things down into smaller, digestible morsels is a great energy management practice.

It’s also encouraging because all the small things add up to big results over time.

Leadership expert John C. Maxwell referred to it as the law of the big mo because once momentum starts moving, it’s like a snowball rolling down a mountain, picking up snow, rocks, debris, twigs, trees, houses and whatever gets in its way by the time the avalanche has been unleashed.

Jared Wade of Mad Hatter’s Music is the Executive Producer of Album 22 and that was the vision he had for what this album will be in this world, and now I do believe he will stand correct.

Album 22 is a conscious compilation of musicians with a heart to help hue-manity heal through music and common-unity.

It features 22 songs from artists I’ve been getting a chance to know via our biweekly “Think Tank” groups and also the interviews I’ve been conducting with our featured talent.

To give you a chance to meet some of the creators behind the music you’ll have a chance to hear on Album 22, here I’m going to share the first three interviews I did with artists involved in this project:

Just like our Album which features “Secret Garden” first, Suzi Kory started our interview series and touched on the Love Revolution she is coordinating while we were at it! Check that interview out here:

The second interview was with Eric Vasquez (Ton-E) who is the man I collaborated with to make “You Are Loved,” along with Denise Exler’s light language infused into the mix as the inspiration for my parts.

And then we got to experience a “Priceless” interview with Shimmer Johnson live from her studio.

Feeling so incredibly grateful to be managing this project with the amazing individuals who have contributed to it!

With the official launch on Thursday July 22 I’ll be sharing more album related interviews and information related to how we can harmonize hue-manity through the music we make together in the lead up to it and beyond.

Check back for more tomorrow,

Laura JeH – Namaste

PS. Did you read yesterday’s blog about not being an Organized Pseudo-legal Commercial Argument Litigant? If not, you can do so here as we’ll be going into it deeper soon too!

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