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13/55: Show Your Strength In Sacred Self-Compassion

Welcome to the last and best week of your month so far!

Friday night was an incredible evening where Michael Seegers and I gathered Soulfull Seekers and Lightworkers to discuss “Who Was Jesus & Why Did His Story Matter.” It was incredible and I’m so pleased to be able to share the link to its replay here.

This coming Friday we will be gathering again, this time on Good Friday (April 2 @7pm EST) to continue this sacred conversation with a focus on “Jesus (PT2) & The Ascension.” I’ll make the link available later in the week but be sure to save the date so you can be in the meeting room with us!

And then that brings us back to this morning and the Sacred Self-Compassion Service that will be hosted at 10:10am EST as per usual, by yours truly, where I’ll start out by sharing a song from the Album 22 Project submissions that have come in before the April 2 deadline and then dive into the next chapter of Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way: A Course on Discovering and Recovering Your Inner Artist.”

That means that this morning we will be talking about recovering a sense of strength and boy what am appropriate time for that important topic to be our focus!

I hope you’ll join me shortly after 10am for the song and dance/handstands part of the service. I will also start today’s service by drawing a Divine Guidance card by Cherly Lee Harnish as we open our sacred space together.

Very much looking forward to this call and hope you’ll join me!!

Meeting ID: 922 2685 9577

Passcode: PEACE

Not long now! Wishing you an incredible ahead either way and hope you’ll check out that conscious conversation and consider how you fit into it too!

Laura JeH – Namaste

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