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Breaking Down Bullying One Meetup At A Time

Yesterday PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United came together in a short notice summit style call to speak into bullying from an alternative perspective.

The Victim triangle is a popular theory present in bullying dynamics that helps us see how we either play the role of victim, rescuer or punisher with others and also within ourselves.

We often jump between roles within this cycle too and so it is that we all know what it feels like to be bullied and victimized.

What I introduced on this call was an empowered alternative with the disempowered archetypes starting to reflect the opposite: coach, challenger and creator.

When we’re in the drama dynamic we’re REACTING to life and all that shows up for us.

When we’re in the empowered dynamic we’re CREATING new responses and outcomes by solving problems with a higher level of thinking than what caused the issue in the first place.

Katia Palmeri, my cohost for the Kingdom Within podcast on Mondays at 8pm EST, shared the contexts she and her husband of nearly 30 years had coming into their partnership and how their expanded awareness of their own patterns and tendencies helped them shift their self-image to a more empowered level while connecting at a deeper, more intimate level, too.

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Tomorrow Friday March 25 at 2pm EST we will be hosting another Mind Control Programming & Propaganda SUMMIT call on the topic of Narcissism, Not-Enoughness & The Indian Residential Schools Act. Grab the call details from Meetup here.

I am looking forward to seeing who shows up and what they have to contribute to the conversation as we grow more from the ideas of others than regurgitating that which we already know without different opinions to challenge our existing BS.

Iron sharpens iron and we are no different; we sharpen each other by shifting ourselves into being the coach, challenger, creator instead of the rescuer, punisher (bully) or victim.

We look forward to seeing you on the call tomorrow which will be recorded and posted to my YouTube for others to benefit from.

With love,

Laura JeH – Namaste

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