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Journey Into Your Emotional Center Next Saturday (BONUS: Cutting Cords Video)

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Life is about the journey not the destination but it can all feel overwhelming if we don’t know how to regulate our emotions when we’re feeling stressed.

If you feel depressed, insecure, discouraged, worried, doubtful, disappointed, or overwhelmed by something happening in your life come learn how to catch yourself in an old story and turn it around faster next Saturday (Jan 12) in London, ON. If you can’t make it but are open to a mindfull approach to your health and wellness, email me what’s going on as I’ve got tools to help you call your power back (email address is below).

Far too often we get sidetracked by the past and where we fell short of expectations, investing our precious energy into recriminating ourselves within the courtroom of our inner kingdom when we really just need to encourage ourselves to feel better one emotion at a time so we can make better choices in the moment.

On Saturday January 12 from 1-4pm I’ll be co-hosting a workshop in London, Ontario with an intenSati leader where we’ll be going through the following:

– Guided visualization into your power center

– Understand what to expect along the Hero’s Journey you’re currently on & why it feels so daunting

– Group discussion focused on emotional release

– Gentle intention infused movement with affirmations (intenSati)

– Light refreshments provided (bring a notebook and pen, yoga mat/blanket, comfy clothes)

I learned some profoundly powerful lessons I’ll be sharing first hand in this workshop, along with the processes I have used for myself and students I’ve shared them with along the way. It’s a powerful way to call yourself back to the present moment and next Saturday you have a chance to not only gain tools to become more emotionally resilient which all of us can benefit from, you can connect with others like you who are ready to take their power back too.

I hope you will choose to be with us.

We will talk about what empowerment means to and for us and why we get trapped in negative emotional states instead of turning our self-defeating stories around faster. We’re even going to move through our emotions using an intention infused movement series called Intensati, led by my friend Joan Fernandez.

This workshop will be perfect for those ready to live at higher levels of emotion so we can enjoy life and all we create that much more.

Whether you can attend in person or are interested in participating in a virtual class on the subject, let me know what you’re struggling with most or are curious about so I can help. I’ve got many videos on my YouTube channel, like this one, that can serve you where you are right now so be sure to check it out and subscribe so you’re notified whenever I post a new video too!

It’s easy to feel isolated when you do a lot of your work virtually, as I do. Hearing back from those receiving my messages and reading my work makes all the difference so if you’ve read this far email me today at so I know where you’re at and which tools you feel you’re currently lacking – I likely have one or two I can share to help!

Share this message with those local to London too as it’s going to be an incredible day and the insights worth far more than the price of admission ($50 at the door or $80 for you and a friend).

I look forward to hearing from you either way and am grateful to be sharing this journey together in 2019 and beyond!

Much love,

Laura JeH- Namaste

PS. This picture was from an Instagram message I posted from Joan and I’s last workshop in November. Check it out here and see what you have to look forward to!

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